
I sort of understand why actual royalty has this kind of ridiculous pomp and days-!ong events. But regular people? The narcissism and self-absorbtion is unbelievable.

I absolutely Would Megan and I can’t believe you could even ask with a straight face.

Its weird, because i feel like i understand women better by having a mother.

Mom’s are cool because they’re women and not little girls, so they’re better at teaching you stuff.

No, it keeps coming up on my Netflix suggestions, but it looks pretty Braveheart-ish.  AKA over-acted and slightly cheesy.  Perhaps one day I will give in and watch it, but the day when IT Crowd reruns are still available won't be that day.

I don’t know, and frankly (I don’t mean this harshly) I don’t care. I don’t think sex work should be illegal, just regulated so that controls and safety for the workers can be put into place. I’ve never hired anyone for sex, and I don’t particularly get upset if I hear that someone somewhere has. So long as all

Well, it's too soon to be five fucking degrees outside.

No they are not.

People are always shocked that DV can happen in LGBT relationships as well.

It’s never the woman you know either. It’s never the opinionated, happy-seeming, confident woman being abused. It’s never the happy mother, the dedicated wife, the accomplished physician. That woman would never be abused. She would stop it. She would not put up with that kind of thing. Her upbringing didn’t

I have an answer, but it’s not appropriate for a family site.

It never made sense to me anyway. Pardoning two turkeys just makes you think of the thousands bred and slaughtered for a single day. I don’t even have anything against breeding and slaughtering animals, because they are delicious. Just considering the scale though, it either seems wildly hypocritical (to save two over

I remember seeing something where it was all an act. She doesn't talk in that valley girl voice in her daily life.

This is what I’m thinking! If they’re so gung ho about beating this dead horse, just kill off Samantha and let them reunite for her funeral a la First Wives’ Club.

And did your moron male coworkers give you advice? I’m a male and I wouldn’t give a pregnant woman advice. Of course I’m a childless gay male so I would have no advice to give beyond “Good luck and God bless!”

Would Cynthia Nixon even be in this now? They could conceivable just do the third without anyone except Sarah Jessica Parker--it could be the final act of the show, with Carrie finally alienating herself so much that she’s forced, at long last, to be an actual person. It wouldn’t be a GOOD movie, but it’d make a mint,

But in what world is Lana Condor the “not as hot” girl?

I was going to mention her performance in Luther.

One of my favorite lines from her chacter in Luther:

I heard Alice is coming back for the next season! 

“King Orm, looks like Viserys from Game of Thrones.”