Not nerdy, I did not know that and found it interesting! Thanks for being servicey!
Not nerdy, I did not know that and found it interesting! Thanks for being servicey!
This is a very nerdy comment and almost everyone here has a scalding hatred for Bob Dylan, so I apologise in advance. In the lyrics Dylan wrote for his song ‘Sara’, he admitted that he wrote another song, ‘Sad Eyed Lady of the Lowlands’, for estranged wife Sara Lowndes. Based on chiefly that admission in the song…
I want to smack any person who follows them, watches that horrific “reality (aka ‘scripted’) show“ or purchases their charlatan products back into 4th grade. They are self made on Kim’s sex tape and Kris’s ability to monetize their existence.
This is so sad.
Dear America,
its all I’m ever going to see now
“They’re never going to get married because they think marriage is too mainstream,” the source said.
Are we related?
Good choice. You can come use my washer and dryer if you bring the wine.
Oh my god I have never related to a comment more
I’d be at peace with that. Can you imagine another queen, maybe Bianca, as the head judge?
100% agree, although until I read the caption I was like when did Chrissy Tiegen have another baby and how did I miss it?
Wow, Stormy Daniels shut that asshole down. Awesome.
Chrissy is such a delight and that photo is precious.
You’ll hear no judgment from me! I’m kind of into this “I got drunk in El Paso with my garden gnome/imaginary friend and he let me tattoo all my favorite doodles from middle school on him” sex thing you got going. I’m just happy you found your kink! Blessings.
The DJ played Gimme Gimme Gimme in the middle of the pride party I was at yesterday and I just about lost my mind.
To be clear, literally all they did was take her name off a prize.