How embarrassing for Ezra Miller for having to work with Ben Affleck.
How embarrassing for Ezra Miller for having to work with Ben Affleck.
I am ridiculously excited for this movie. I’m really happy to see that after making two Thor movies with a somewhat serious tone, the studio is going FUCK IT, WE’RE JUST GOING TO MAKE IT AN 80s METAL MOVIE.
And Hela. Is. Everything.
It’s something like 3 out of 4 ginger cats, who are male (not sure if it works out to exactly this math). The colour genes (black, ginger, and their mutations and dilutions) are carried on the X chromosome, and don’t skip generations. So the mom has to be at least part ginger, and the dad has to be ginger, to produce…
Most qualified politician in Alaska for the last 20 years.
Yes, who will boys look up to now? It’s not like there are that many powerful male figures in entertainment, especially in the sci-fi realm. WON’T SOMEONE THINK OF THE BOY CHILDREN?!?
Rosé is for weenies. Talk to me when you start mixing gin and a dash of fruit punch koolaid in your champagne.
American Horror Story: Falling Apart MidSeason
Well, if he’s that serious about emulating Napoleon, I’m up for sending Bannon to a desolate island to spend the rest of his life in the company of some scary green wallpaper.
the fact that you were in 6th grade in 2000 makes me want to crawl into the yawning grave and scoop dirt onto myself
There were times where he was the only likable character on that show. How sad, he was so young.
Rob & Chyna:
*famous person says something fundamentally supportive in an imperfect way that is emblematic of a much larger problem: which is that white, cis, straight people refuse to recognize the spectrum, influence, and importance of queer history and culture.
I know this doesn’t exactly apply to this story, but it’s been gnawing at me all weekend. I went to a friends house for an early fourth party and got roped into a political conversation with a conservative couple (friend of a friend type). It, of course, turned ugly very quickly. I wanted their honest thoughts on how…
Coincidentally, he’s also what Luke Cage needed for at least half a season to build sufficient quantities goodwill to excuse what became a mess of a show after Ali left.
I’m to the point where the only thing I found surprising about this is that he’s figured out how to embed a video in a tweet.
This “polite” society nonsense will be the death of us.
Boy, it sure is a good thing we don’t have a gun problem in this country.
It’s a super short profile on this site (longer than tinder but not OKC levels) but it does give you ice breakers. It feels cheesy to use it but I guess anything is better than not trying?
Hey Kara and Kate, just wanted to say I’ve never watched an episode of this show, but I’ve been digging your recaps. This is the first time I’ve ever thought about flipping on an episode; sounds like there was a lot to process and think about.
The Earth has a limited amount of resources and some people are not deserving of them. We need an Old Testament or Greek god right now because there are people who need smiting.