
Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck. I am now :(

Constance Wu is a badass. Doing the thing your conscience tells you is right even if it could hurt you (career-wise, in this case) is honorable and beautiful and I am really impressed by her speaking up. I also agree with her re: Casey Affleck. What a turd.

Maaaan, when has it NOT been the age of the manchild? I’m pushing 50 & am still waiting for those motherfuckers to go out of fashion. Tick tock....

Can Chris Brown read the joke.....

“I want to unite everybody because as a team we’re stronger together.”

Nah, she donated the proceeds to people Trump want to hurt. That’s apology enough.

This...made me laugh out loud.

#COTD, calling it.

Of course it’s Tiffany’s box.

Fuck that paparazzi asshole.

Is it bad that I always read his name as “Greedy Fuckface McFuckerson?”

This isn’t the first time we’ve had white supremacists in the white house. Black folks can get through this the same way we always have. And this may (almost certainly) be my darker side talking here, but i hope that whites feel a fraction of what blacks and other minorities have and will have to go through and learn

“He has not been a person to do staged events for the sake of doing staged events.”

He’s tweeting, he’s occasionally visiting the two restaurants he likes, and he literally doesn’t get outside even to glimpse the sun:

Challenge for the next 4 years: Find a story about Donald Trump where ‘this is horrifying’ is not a context appropriate descriptor of what is happening.

I don’t know about y’all, but my FB feed was mostly full of guys listing 10 bands composed entirely of men. When a couple of my female friends pointed out how revealing it is that so many guys could claim to have no female musical influences, surprise, surprise, all their male friends have gotten defensive, one called

*eh hem*

theres something inherently masturbatory about manipulating parts of your body with someone else in mind.

i had a baby that was stillborn. a relative said “arent you happy she is with jesus now?” nevermind that im not religious. who the fuck thinks thats what a grieving mother wants to hear?