Ignore all these people, Kim, and instead listen to this cautionary story about a girl named Lucky.
Yessss give me more of that sweet, sweet Michiel Huisman
Hell yeah about more male nudity on Game of Thrones, especially if it's Daario. And I like Lisa Bonet's tweet.
Hmmm....what if they're not cute? What if their mean spirited little spoiled brats that torment the adults through the whole movie. You know, like real life.
Can we do it without the "cute kid's table"? I seriously dislike precocious kids. :-/
I'm not here to be vulgar.
Monday's episode of The View was an excellent representation of the old adage, If you don't have something smart to say, shut the fuck up.
Off-topic, but after all the model talk today I love how people seem to think Kendall Jenner has "amazing bone structure" when THIS lady walks the earth. Kendall Jenner has a very nice skull and teeth. Coco has BONE FUCKING STRUCTURE.
Oh god the people I made as Sims and the things I made them do...
Pfftt, hairy greased-up ass or GTFO. #notmyasswars
That may be, but the double standard stance Instagram has on nudity should be, and deserves to be, called out.
Yeast infections go away.
Whenever someone tries to have this debate with you, ask them if you can fuck their significant other.
I like my gratuity grilled until it's tender. Please remember that for next time.