I wanted to be a marine biologist until I discovered that as fascinating as I find the ocean and ocean life, I do NOT like deep water.
I wanted to be a marine biologist until I discovered that as fascinating as I find the ocean and ocean life, I do NOT like deep water.
I think the most depressing thing here is that my first thought upon viewing the photo was, "It could be worse. Thank god he didn't do it in blackface."
The following year, Davis made a much better movie directed by Harlin, The Long Kiss Goodnight. That movie was a box office failure too and it's pretty ridiculous but it is much more fun. After these two expensive flops, Davis didn't make another movie for a few years and never made it back to the A-list. And Harlin…
Amy in Bojack Horseman as Princess Carolyn is on point.
Sad. Her performance in August: Osage County was rather lovely. Despite it being a small role, her quietness stood out in all the crazy.
I was raised that being on time is a show of respect. I HATE when people are late, especially when they don't call to tell you they're running late, then have the audacity to catch an attitude when you go ahead and eat without them. The mother fucking reservation said 8:00, not 9:00, go fuck yourself because I'm…
8 GLORIOUS SEASONS!!!!!!! Where can I find the re-runs dammit? It's like the cosmos have heard my cry and answered my prayers. While I don't much care for feature length versions of my fav TV show, I will see this!
What's wrong with being a dick-sucking whore?
Artisanal dildoes for days!
Is there a parody site for this called "Perverse" yet? If not, why not? I nominate Kelly and Shrayber.
I will forever treasure Preserve's prose due to the glory that was "backyard-cum-feasting-hall."
That's a good theory!
I haven't seen the numbers but my guess is police officers rank somewhere behind the men holding them captive and the clients. But yes, I get your point. The world is an awful, shitty place. Especially for women in third world countries. Probably better to just say fuck it.
I can assure you that I can handle all that dong.
I think she's cute as a button, but her song is fucking annoying and full of sexist bullshit masquerading as "body positivity."