
Yes, I am sure. I’m gonna die on a hill eventually, and this is a very on-brand hill to die on.

Here’s something positive about Netflix’s UI: it doesn’t divide every season of a show into a separate title like Amazon does. Fuck outta here with that garbage.


It’s a good thing Netflix has good content, because I can’t think of a single thing about their service that doesn’t suck.

I would KILL to be from Saskasplatoon, Switchskatchewan.

Yep. Caring is for idiots. Structure (like Social Security, Medicare, and roads and water) is for suckers.

They might not be the cause, but they are a fantastic example of false-equivalency-run-amok. Nihilism is incredibly annoying.

No worries. They all float down there.

Any way I can get followed to go ungray? The crossover ate my old account and didnt work :(.

Mario is ageless, and designing good levels in Mario Maker is more suited to an adult’s patience and planning skills. I mean if you think the entire medium is a waste of time for adults that’s one thing, but why would their time be better spent playing Halo or GTA?

he does some jumping

That is ridiculous. I would never in a million years be able to beat that level. Insane.

I think I’m broken, because I don’t have anything cynical to say about this. Good job, guy? I approve? That doesn’t sound like me!

Ugh, I was going to blame the media for the usual oversimplifying of a single study, but I downloaded the original and the authors pretty much do the same thing within their own writing, which I am, to put it mildly, the opposite of a fan of. You’re scientists. You know that your single study does not prove forever

I think TV will always be better than movies at twists, only because they have so much more time to build it up. The twist with Ward in Agents of SHIELD, in my opinion, saved that show and made a very bland character a lot more interesting. And the twist in The Good Place makes that show WAY different upon your second

So I’m guessing even though my account carried over from the old system, many of my comments are still gray and pending approval days later (while some aren’t) that perhaps my comments are here, but also not here. Or maybe they were NEVER here! Ouuuuuhh...

Oh, and I guess we have to whore ourselves for stars to fix

You should have gone with Ricky Coogin. You’re more recognizable that way.

For trashy entertainment today’s teens can do what I did and watch This Week with George Stephanopoulos

This is just another example of the media’s agenda of trying to brainwash our innocent kids into not being terrible, hateful people.

Thanks for the nod! As you folks may have noticed, I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how the best games teach you to play them through the act of playing them. It’s interesting that the same idea came up in the Sonic Mania article and the Madden article, as it’s definitely not something that most games get right.