
No worries, my brain shuts down at the possibility of puppies too

Try starting the reload from scratch - I think (think!) that if I try to load from my “dashboard” link, it forgets how much of the thread is left.

This Week Iiiiiiiiinnnnnnnn Spaaaaaaaaace!: Someway, somehow, I finished the first game in the Crash Bandicoot remastered trilogy. It looked like there might be some interesting endgame business, but it all seemed to boil down to “do it again, but faster and perfect.” Ain’t got time for that. I’m hoping the sequels

I’m playing RDR: Undead Nightmare. Bought it on sale whenever ago. I’m like 98% complete of the main game. Undead is pretty good—has a sense of humor. I do hate zombies, though. I just, uh, hate the noises they make.

A pixellated, green avatar?

I am now green m_squared because kinja hates me!

Now playing

By the way: since the magnificent music of Chrono Trigger was mentioned above, I’m obligated to bring up the old chestnut of how awesome it is that “Robo’s Theme” eerily matches the melody of Rick Astley’s “Never Gonna Give You Up” and post this:

GTA V having more radio stations than any other entry and somehow having the lamest radio stations of any entry really is a thing of wonder. Though the funk and indie rock ones are okay.

I’m feeling some serious D&D withdrawals since we haven’t met to play this past month and won’t be getting together until the 10th, so I’m listening to Actual Play podcasts (either RPPR or OneShot Podcast Neo Scum campaign) while I play Icewind Dale or Bloodborne and remember what was. After finishing Demon’s Souls

Odinsphere is very beautiful and surprisingly long. I played it way back on PS2 and I remember thinking “well that should wrap things up” and then suddenly they’re like, No, now you’re playing as a kung fu bunny. The gameplay loop is great as well and the character designs are neat and before the devs got crazy horny

Oh shoot, I think I made it through Kinja! Being a serial lurker with maybe 60 total posts between my Disqus and old AV Club accounts, I wasn’t sure that I would.

I’ve returned to Stardew Valley for the first time since it got its first major update in the spring of last year, and it almost immediately managed to get its wonderful hooks right back into my brain.

I want to make sure to post on these as long as I can before they decide to scrap Gameological articles for cross-posted Kotaku stuff, so here goes . . .

Greetings friends! Things look... different than I remember: so white, and strangely hostile. In a prior life you may have recognized me as SafRev, but I’m afraid that version of myself is no longer available. I hear whispers that those memories may be recoverable, or will be in some far-flung future. However, even

Yeah no-sale on XX for me unless it’s in English. Similarly, I’m avoiding watching any MHW media because I don’t want to hurt myself.

There is a chance that I will get to play MHW some day, but it relies on Kingdom Hearts 3 actually coming out in my lifetime and my wife purchasing a PS4 just to play it, at which point

Really think Kinja has it out for me. This thread won’t load any comments after the Yankton, nee Spacemonkey Mafia one. So I tried to log in on my phone to see the whole thread and it says my username and key don’t match. I’m copying it exactly as it was given to me! So I may need to make another account for my

I think you’ll have a stellar time with Until Dawn. It’s short but very effective and engaging for what it is.

It’s been a few weeks since I’ve checked in, as things have been a bit hectic over the past month or so... but things have settled down a bit and I’m back to my regular gaming schedule.

At the moment, I’m playing DIVINITY: ORIGINAL SIN on the PS4, and I’m finding it absolutely marvelous so far. Just a thoroughly

I’m back, Disqus or not! You can’t spell Kinja without four of the letters in Jakeoti!

Finishing up Master Mode on BotW. Planning on starting a new Mass Effect 3 playthrough. And the wonderful game of “figuring out how to get my teething daughter to sleep”.