
The timer. The f***ing timer. When designing a level that demands to be played in such a mindbogglingly precise and technically esoteric way, how is it even possible to calculate the finishing time within a margin of only four seconds? I know next to nothing about Mario Maker, so that detail might not be as

[nods sagely]

Yeah, I get that. I’m not trying to defend Kinja in any way, shape or form, but I do hope you’ll reconsider. There has been a concerted effort — both by several of the Gameological regulars, and by the editor and writers — to try and preserve what was built during the Disqus years, and I think the spirit of that

I’m not arguing for DLC as any kind of god-given right, though. I’m saying that making a piece of great story DLC for this game that is roundly considered a fiasco* by both industry and fans/consumers would be a way for EA to signal to both groups that it is committed to rectifying its mistakes, receptive to customer

Wait... so you’re saying Kinja is your fault? BURN HIM

Lovely post, this. I especially enjoyed the graph on Hollow Knight, your take made me even more impatient to try it. Alas, my PC isn’t up to the task, and the lack of news on a PS4 port is conspicuous.

Oh, I see! Sorry. I think I need to visit a doctor or something, my reading comprehension was really shot to crap this morning, apparently.

I have no problem understanding that it might be disheartening to try and cater to a fanbase with quite a few blighted branches, but I’m pretty sure you don’t build a healthier community by sticking your fingers in your ears and closing your eyes real tight for half a decade or so.

Yup, those boxes did indeed contain library books. The branch I work at shipped all its medical titles to another branch, and got all of their humanities stuff in return. I do have too many books of my own, it’s true, but they would only fill about ten such boxes.

Thank you! That’s a great point about Square Enix. I guess the Final Fantasy brand is much more of a central pillar of their business than Mass Effect is to EA’s, so Squeenix have more incentive to try to salvage their duds in those cases, but it’s still a pretty damning comparison. Without access to EA’s books, it’s

You made the switch-over! So, so glad to see you here (although I dearly hope you’re not going to make a habit of curtailing your expansive side). Have a lovely weekend yourself!

Hey, I swear the picture was upside down in the preview! Also, now it won’t let me edit my own comment? Kinjaaaaargh.

Really? I’m not sure I’m fit to have that kind of power.

Err... the phrasing of your original comment combined with my apparently piss-poor reading comprehension made me mistake you for Clayton Purdom (who wrote the Undertale entry above). [insert egg-on-face gif here]

How would one go about helping you out of the grays? Or is that a mod-only thing?

Tempted to flag for brazen flaunting of successful SNES Classic preorder.

Nice! I might pick that up myself. Such a pleasant little platformer. Are the control/camera/subtitle issues you mention results of a bad PS3 port, or just holdovers from the (naturally dated) early-aughts design of the original PS2 game?

Congratulations on the new job! I had no idea Pinball Arcade existed before I read your post, but it looks really neat. One question: do you know the difference between the Pinball Arcade and Stern’s Pinball Arcade entries in the PlayStation store? Also, which tables do you recommend to start with?

Congrats on the puppy! On a totally unrelated note, have you noticed that Kinja allows you to post pictures in the comments?

Condolences on your washing machine. How did it work out with insurance and whatnot? And is that mark on the floor as ruinous as it looks?