
Which save-deleting platform are/were you playing Link to the Past on? (note: yes, I tried switching the preposition to the start of the question, but it came off as too wanky, even for me)

Someone should tell Kinja that putting one of the actual contributors to the article in the “pending approval” section is not a very good look.

Greetings, all. It is I, the artist formerly (and currently, to some of my non-internet friends) known as Karlos. Since I have no idea when the legacy account switchover is happening, I guess I’ll be posting from this Disqus-derived account until then. I was going to change the avatar picture to my regular one, but

(Smash cut to video of drone dropping the Switch package into the Hudson)

Also, it has one of the best soundtracks of any Zelda game. It's such an utter joy to listen to, which is even more impressive given the not-amazing sonic capabilities of the 3DS. Whoever recorded and mixed it must have known the hardware inside out, I'm guessing.

I've just played Badge Arcade a few days here and there since it launched, but for a Nintendo game, the balance seems uncommonly skewed towards the side of unforgiving. Not only that, but to me, the margin of error is so paper-thin that the only way you could become proficient enough not to have to spend a lot, would

If you enjoy this show quite a bit, came to this article and was baffled by the vitriol in the comments section, know that the AV Club's commentariat has some positive voices on the topic of Be Cool, Scooby Doo! They just aren't easy to hear in this particular section. May I instead direct you to the lovely work done

Besides, suing someone is expensive!

You need to lay off the souse, chef.

Yeah, I'm with you on this. From that stream, it looked like it had plenty of depth for $10. What with the replayability of the levels, the Toad Rallies, and the village building mechanic to entice the collection. All of which would have seemed like a huge money-bilk with microtransactions, but at a set rate, it looks

Come, come, oh son of man…

Comic Book Love Fest

The Ultron story might be my favourite Avengers arc.

(Slightly OT rant coming up, sorry about that Caitlin. Lovely review, as always)

As a beard-haver, I wish this was a universal sentiment, but I do appreciate you trying to make out like it is.

I think he's referring to Matt's youtube video (embedded in the article above).

I'm so confused… I think it's both lampshading and meta? He's hanging a lampshade on his supposed inability to write jokes, and uses this as a springboard to launch a routine which is constantly evaluating and referring to itself. No?

I'm going to take a stab at a review-like kind of thing:

Unless you find that IMDB ratings dovetail perfectly with your own tastes, they shouldn't be taken as evidence of anything other than the relative enthusiasm of IMDB voters. Also, TV shows never seem to have ratings much lower than an 8 on there, regardless of their critical reception or ratings. (For pete's sake; The

Joke aside, you're not far off. Knock off that w, and you've got it. It's spelled "hore", pronounced "hoo-reh".