I’m worried about the timing, though. A massive worldwide semiconductor shortage is not, as we’ve seen with the PS5 and Xbox Series X/S, an auspicious time for a hot new hardware launch.
I’m worried about the timing, though. A massive worldwide semiconductor shortage is not, as we’ve seen with the PS5 and Xbox Series X/S, an auspicious time for a hot new hardware launch.
XI is pretty good. The main complaint I’d voice is that XI is where the tradition of having the player character be a silent protagonist really falls apart, largely, I think, as a result of the XI Hero being more personally involved and connected to the plot than the silent Hero usually is.
Pretty good. Very traditional; the early games essentially codified the basic concept of a JRPG as we recognize it today, and later games largely polish the genre rather than trying to reinvent it. A lot of the battle system will be pretty recognizable even if you just jump straight into DQ11.
I’m not sure what Gamestop’s path forward into a survivable future is, but picking fights with the FLGS nationwide probably ain’t it, chief.
Bautista would work quite well.
I had thought Brock Lesnar would be picture-perfect, too, but I’ve never heard anything about him being interested in acting and don’t expect he’d be willing to do it for any sane salary. Too much work.
Seriously, Randy? Try shorter, concise sentences. Dilbert isn’t funny, you aren’t landing a part on the strip, and Jumping Jesus it makes you sound like a tool.
Nah, there’s a certain level of management-level whipping involved to get people to form up for timers in the first place (as you’d expect), so even if some lone-wolf jackass starts one I doubt there’ll be any real followup on it.
CDKeys is an unauthorized reseller that abuses regional pricing from low-income regions to get their prices.
CDKeys is an unauthorized reseller that abuses regional pricing from low-income regions to get their prices.
That’s really what I don’t get about people demanding the Snyder cut of Justice League.
Snyder’s been in the driver’s seat since Man of Steel. Batman vs. Superman was bad. Man of Steel would have been fine if it had been an original setting and characters, but it was just a bad Superman film.
Or even give me a film adaptation of Kingdom Come, in which Superman is effectively the bad guy but he’s cast in that role naturally, for reasons that align with his proper characterization.
If someone wants Superman as a villain, I’m much more interested in Stern Disappointed Dad Superman than in Brainiac and/or…
>The fun you had exploring new worlds and spamming your one ability over and over again because it looks cool is replaced with “Max dps” and “let’s finish this already.”
It’s surprising, but piloting small ships and getting into fights never really changes from lowbie to maxed-out stuff, and the shine never really…
It’s pretty easy to keep Forma cranking out at one per day. Specialty formas, sure, but basic ones, nah, they’re not that hard to keep up with.
You can get a lot of Orokin Reactors and Catalysts from the new Nightwave shop, too, essentially replacing the ones that used to come from alerts.
>Now I play like the floor is lava. Pinging off walls and careening into dudes like an irate bird of prey is so, so fun. Warframe is the clunkiest name imaginable for a game with such a svelte movement system. I am shocked that every action game in existence has not copied it. It’s that good.
They’re pretty similar, looking in from the outside, but some of the more famous things about Rimworld aren’t really possible in DF and some of the more insane things in DF aren’t possible in Rimworld.
DF takes place in a 3D world, so you can do things like forcing all newcomers to your map to path along a road…
The new editions of Paranoia come with a couple of pack-in adventure modules, and the introductory-level one includes a GMPC of sorts whose only job is to ride along with the party and attempt by any means possible to get them in trouble or steal their credit as a sort of way of inoculating players to proper Paranoia…
Similar on the face of it, but significantly different in practice. In a good way, in my opinion, speaking as someone who was a bit disappointed in LLTQ.
Sure, if that’s the takeaway from what I said that managed to filter down to headassville, you’re welcome to it.
Because a not-inconsiderable number of people will gravitate toward the ultra-boss-melter meta builds, breeze through all the available content unless it’s balanced around the ultra-boss-melter builds, and then abandon the game entirely or form a vocal contingent on social media that sits around bitching about how the…
Slag was part of the problem, but slag wasn’t the reason behind someone picking up a Bee+Sandhawk or DPUH and doing several multiples of the base damage of someone using even top-tier purples. It’s very reasonable to blame slag in large part for sniper rifles being utterly useless as a weapon class, since the very…
The people working on balance are probably not the same people working on technical bugs, and the process for hotfixes is far less involved than the process for full-on patches that can actually fix problems in the game’s code and address the issues you’re talking about. We’ve only had one, maybe two full patches if…