This made me chuckle way too much. :-p
This made me chuckle way too much. :-p
Me too. She should have gotten multiple Emmys for this show at the very least as a consolation prize.
Counterpoint: no one needs to go to Disney World one time.
Big mistake #3: Peeling the potatoes in the first place.
I will pick up what you’re putting down, especially in regards to the romance. This episode made it abundantly clear that it was going to be a slow burn, since it completely ignored the baffling cliffhanger ending of the previous ep. I’m ok with that personally, but I fear that it will infuriate many other viewers. :-/
100% its going to be a bottle episode (or at least 100% that’s what I hope it is). Especially after this one which had all sorts of great character interactions and moments for virtually every character except Ted (and Keeley, but she’s not the title character). I feel like the whole season has been building to this.
I have no notes, except that you have clearly watched a minimum of one Hallmark Christmas movie.
I was a big Braves fan growing up in the 80s, which became a lot of fun as they started getting great in the 90s. I remember being excited when Hank’s autobiography came out and I must have read it half a dozen times over the next decade, and soon he had surpassed Dale Murphy as my favorite Brave. Apologies for the…
Been waiting for Michael’s take on this week’s events and I was not disappointed.
This really feels a little too inclusive to be honest. Couldn’t someone at OED just have made an actual decision and picked just one? I feel like COVID-19 would have been a pretty obvious choice.
Starred for Futurama reference. :-p
I agree wholeheartedly with it needing to be removed from Schedule I. That’s the endgame. Everything else is pushing it slowly and incrementally towards making that step normal and uncontroversial. There’s decades of demonization of marijuana that advocates are fighting, and the good news is that they’re winning.
The words! So melodious and reassuring, even on the page! Such a far cry from the musical saw bullshit we’ve gotten from the defeated outgoing almost-former President Cheeto.
Man that ad with the puppy, seriously laughed at that. :-p
On behalf of the sane(r) 48% of Florida, I’m sorry everyone. Our state showed its ass again. I’m moving to Asheville. ><
Florida resident here. After our many, many embarrassments over the past twenty years, I’m hoping that we do the right thing today and kick 45 out.
Yeah...I told my wife not to read this one. ><
This happened to me too. I was fortunate that I was able to spend a lot of time with her since I was working short hours during the early months of the lockdown. Unfortunately, her cancer was so advanced that she passed in late April.
Aladdin is my favorite soundtrack from the Disney renaissance. Ironically, my favorite songs from the films around it were all villain songs (“Poor Unfortunate Souls”, “Gaston”, and “Be Prepared”) but Aladdin doesn’t have one! Can you imagine what Jafar’s villain song would have been? I’m roughly the siiiize of a baaaaaaaaarge! :-p