United States of Bonerland

Shut the fuck up, chud


There’s this stoner guy who loses his rug; so he hangs out with his asshole friends at a bowling alley.

No, you guys aren’t commenting on lack of proofreading.

although judging by the end credits, which mention “principle photography,” it still wasn’t enough to hire a proofreader.

Indeed. Props to Goldsman for parlaying his no-talent hackwork into a lucrative career. If he can do it, Robert Kirkman can do it, why can’t we?

A true fact: "From the Oscar-winning writer of Lost in Space..."

I wondered about this. Like: Are they going to send ushers with penlights in during Nicole Kidman’s segment to check the tickets at those preferred seats?  Tell me what minimum wage worker wants to do that and what supervisor wants to make sure those workers are doing their jobs...

I’m sort of thinking Cox is oblivious to the allegations against Singer. This is just a weird take on a guy who has both a slew of personal allegations and a slew of on set allegations against him.

Eh, people can be two things. It’s a little out of touch to praise him at all but it’s not like Cox is saying Singer is a good guy. 

Thank you for bringing up poverty as a significant issue. In addition to the cost of food, many low income people are also time poor. Yes, you can make inexpensive, healthly meals, but that assumes you have time and space to prepare them. If someone is working 2 part time jobs with odd hours, that can be a real

100% agree that the health issues associated with obesity are a social problem. You’ve left out poverty, though. The “real bread” you mention is a lot more expensive than the less nutritious bread with added sugar.

Agreed. About 36" waist currently as a guy and classify as overweight/borderline obese. Our increased sizes have become normalized to a terrifying degree.

Two things can be true: obese people should be treated with dignity, respect, love, and validation; and we need to confront the food problems that are causing unhealthy obesity and killing people. The former is a social issue; the latter needs to be led by the agencies who are supposedly built to help combat public

While I think they probably should have designed this to be more accommodating, but less than 40" waistline isn’t “thin”, at least for dudes.

Source: I’m around 38" and I’m a bit of a fat fuck. 

I’ve only seen it once, but I made sure it was on IMAX. The whole thing was very visually impressive but not that deep. I guess the message was that whaling is bad? I think pretty much everyone but some Japanese and Norwegians are already on board with that.

there’s no logic here. for whatever reason cameron is really good at making movies that have broadly popular worldwide appeal on a scale that basically no other filmmaker can consistently accomplish.

Having known nothing about him as a person, it’s kind of eerie to see how exactly he matches the stereotype of the terrible Rick and Morty fan.

Just a curtesy to anyone defending Justin Roiland please do yourself a favour and look at the screenshots of him DMing a 16 year on instagram.