United States of Bonerland

fucking internet is garbage now.

fucking clickbait headline implying a voice actor had died

what the fuck is going on? like multiple outlets are reporting on this bullshit. i guess they killed off this character in the latest simpsons episode and there’s some astroturfed media campaign trying to pretend fans actually give a shit about it?

i read the headline, thought it was the round-backed fella with the glasses and the green hat and got a little sad. this guy with the stringy hair though?

Somehow, the sand didn’t return.

I took too many shrooms during Part One and thought I was IN the ornithopter when it crashed.  That’s how you experience true 4D.

i love 4DX. top gun maverick was transcendent.

Are there any left who aren’t actively coming for gay rights, reproductive freedoms, and honest recitations of American history?

“No one wants to work anymore!”

Netflix et al: “You said you broke their spirits!”

Well, my guess is that he wasn’t as talented as these writers and couldn’t come up with better ideas. Which is in no way something to be ashamed of but still very hard to face and accept.

Might have been very hard for him to be the face of the show and at the seeing the show taken away from him creatively.

It’s a

Wow, that’s pretty on the money.

Specific, but also accurate.

Roiland looks like the kinda manchild who brings a board game no one has heard of to a house party and throws a tantrum when no one wants to play.

While some of them may be closeted, I expect the majority are just simply bigots.

See, that’s why David Lynch was the better pick. That’s the kinda thing he answered--assuming the navigator is a hint at the wormness of it all.

The general audience reaction to the first Dune seemed dominated by people largely unfamiliar with the books, since we got articles like “Dune needs to bring back Duncan Idaho” which is one of the (inadvertently) funniest sentences I have ever read.