United States of Bonerland

Well put, you did it much less snarkily than I did :) I was practically piloried for suggesting they must know something.

There may be a simpler explanation. It looks like most of the proceedings have been sealed until recently. He may have been fired for not informing his employer he was charged with a felony and/or fired for being charged with a felony. 

Roseanne Barr

I’m guessing there’s an article coming from a reputable publication like the LA Times, they’ve been contacted about it, and they’re dropping him in advance to try to get out in front of it.

They aren’t interested in keeping that talent. They are only interested in keeping talent that can make huge blockbusters or low-cost reality garbage. Everything else to them is without value.

Obviously there’s valid reason to be angry about this stuff, but it’s hardly bullshit. There are a lot of nuances, legally and from a financial perspective here. The biggest being WB is happy to auction off these shows if they hit some sort of financial standard they’ve decided on internally - likely not as big as the

I loved his performance, personally. And he’s right about one thing, at least: That is one of the best makeup and prosthetic jobs I’ve ever seen.

I was thinking more ‘Pacino in Dick Tracy’ myself:

I know it should be dispiriting that these movies have ditched the darkly comedic tone that *makes* an Evil Dead movie. But I think they work because Ash isn’t in them. He’s such a force of nature that whenever he encounters the Necronomicon, the resulting chaos has more than a touch of Three Stooges anarchy. He’s

Race is a social construct. There is no biological basis for racial divisions, they exist purely within the realm of culture. As such, different societies have different conceptualizations of race. In North America, race has to do primarily with skin color, and since most Jewish Americans have fair skin, they are

The concept or race both in Europe and especially Europe at that time was a lot different than it is in US at the time and now. There was a great deal more demarcation between ethnic groups, and much more focus on specifics of ethnicities based on anthropological subgroups. For many, religious identity was as much a

Whoopi mostly seems to be misunderstanding the historical facts of the subject, in a couple of different ways. 

Dude come on, “there are barely any online features and you should expect at least some” is not simping for a video game company

Nintendo isn’t going to fuck you.

The head of imagineering went rogue and released drawings of this retheme without any internal approval.

Fuck off

When are we allowed to talk about the fact that Moon Knight sucked? The character could be cool in another context/appearance but man that show was crappy. That wasn’t even comic book Moon Knight, Feige just wanted some Brendan Fraser The Mummy type shit in the MCU.

Okay, but these stories are told by characters wearing flashy, bright uniforms and who occassionally have superpowered fights.