United States of Bonerland

Zemo’s a villain, right? Pure evil, eh?

The only hobbit that can be said to have come from a “humble background” was Sam.

If you bring the Sam Raimi Spiderman movies into it then it fits better into the timeline. But seriously, Moore’s hardly the first person to (rightly or wrongly) make the connection between superheroes and Fascism.

I mean... dude’s absolutely right.

I’d be as disillusioned as Moore if I thought I’d written sufficiently pathetic, disgusting repudiations of the fascist superhero mindset and people decided to unironically declare “Veidt was right!” and “Rorschach is the hero we need!” Then you have all those Thin Blue Line chucklefucks who emblazon Punisher skulls

*spots “no one cares about Avatar” reference, takes a shot*

He was not informed that Weird Al was going to use his song, which is what irked him in the first interview he had about it. He was fine after they talked personally. It was an agent/bureaucracy problem, not a problem with covers or parody.

Great that there’s an article telling you who it is, then

I remember that “beef” between them, I even remember Weird Al sorta sarcastically apologizing to Coolio on his short lived mtv show, he then proceeded to play Amish Paradise again. Lol.

Ten-year-old me bought the single, ”on cassette, of course” and played it over and over again for a month. I still remember every verse word for word.

appearing as himself (or a wax statue of himself) on TV shows: If there was a joke to Coolio’s latter day career, it was one he appeared to be in on.

Back in 1995 my friends and I would regularly commandeer the radio because Gangsta’s Paradise would be schedule to play. The song was so big they’d announce the time it was going to play earlier in the day. To this day, I don’t think any other song reached that height.

I know there were no hard feelings in the end but still, I wonder how he’d feel about every single obituary of him mentioning Weird Al.

Yeah, the way things were going...I didn't know. 

At least now we know that he did, in fact, live to see 24.

Nor did they say “Good lord, NO, we’re not doing this! Are y’all insane?!”

Because the writers were born in 2002

who was supposed to play Batgirl’s villain, apparently some new take on an old bad guy named Firefly

Not weird if you see it from the producers perspective.

....and they make a great chicken sandwich.  Service is extraordinarily good as well.