United States of Bonerland

I think you nailed it. I love Brie Larson; she’s a fantastic actor. I so very badly wanted to like Captain Marvel, and it just ended up being... very meh. It just wasn’t a very well done film, at least in comparison to most of the rest of the MCU. Not her fault at all, but obviously as the titular character she’s

i think the explanation is more mundane than garden variety sexism: Captain Marvel is, in my humble estimation, a mid-to-bad film that takes one of the most fun and live-wire actors of our age and wastes her by forcing her to play a flat amnesiac for three quarters of its runtime. when she finally gets a chance to

Don’t you gotta know the right people to connect to for that?

Although that’s how “content” (ugh) has always been made. Casablanca wasn’t made to become the classic it became. Everyone making it thought they were making a “B-movie” that hopefully would be commercially successful but certainly not something that would be watched and remembered decades into the future.

It’s darkly hilarious that animation basically kept the entertainment industry afloat during the pandemic, and the second things start to resemble the beginning of a return to normalcy, basically every animated project in existence is taken out back and rewarded with a bullet through the back of the skull as

I went from probably won’t watch to actually might watch!

almost lost me at “Tim Burton”, but got me back with “castrated by piranhas”

Do you just wander the internet making the most predictable and generic comments possible, or....?

The fact that he kept tinkering with the water heater, making a mild nuisance into an unbearable racket is classic Walter White.

It’s kind of nice that, as it turns out, what is almost certainly our last glimpse of Walter White in this world isn’t the Nazi-killer super-scientist managing to effortlessly outwit his enemies one last time, but the pompous, bitter and frustrated pedant who can’t even let a harmless thought experiment about time

Such moments, whether scripted or not do get at one of the aspects of The Rehearsal I haven’t had a chance to dig into too much: This is a very funny show.

This. This. This. I gotta go back and read some of the critiques here about Joe Pera for I fear they probably took him very seriously.

I’m getting the sense you don’t realize that the Nathan Fielder we see is a comic persona developed by Nathan Fielder the creative mastermind.

That’s not true.

Exhibit A for teens leaving:

All the boys think he’s a spy, he’s got dead-y Savage eyes.

I signed up and gave Hulu $8 for my brother and myself to watch it but there really wasn’t anything else to watch there (might watch Devs) so I’ll be cancelling it. Great great movie and would really look great on the big screen.

Give the guy a break. It was the 1960's, it was a different time.

I feel like I’ve been hearing stories about Fred Savage for years now, though I don’t remember any concrete claims. The opaque way Hollywood has handled its creeps and assholes over the past century means we really might not know the extent of his behavior unless someone comes forward.

Hey, there wait a minute! I’m a huge Marvel fan and... I agree. I still enjoy watching the movies but nowhere near the same sense of novelty and the energy that they used to have.  I have to say that I also watch the DCEU, which is like watching a train crash in slow motion.