United States of Bonerland

As a huge Gaga fan, but someone who has never seen Top Gun, I had no idea what to expect when this was announced. And maybe I’ve just had a rough 24 hours, but an 80s inspired power ballad that starts,Hold my hand, everything will be okay,” and then proceeds to be about how Gaga is basically your ride or die in life

Yes, from the process server’s perspective, this makes a lot of sense.  Put yourself in her shoes, and imagine having to serve a document on Wilde.  You don’t generally know what her schedule will be, and even if you find a moment when she’s in public, she likely has some kind of security (which makes sense from

THR first reported on the story, and their coverage mentions it was a “her”:

People avoid process servers, often just for the heck of it—to annoy the other side and make them spend money trying to serve papers. In this case, it’s more likely that it was simply a matter that Wilde was staying in Vegas incognito, and/or she has security to keep fans/press/people obsessed with her boyfriend away

Not usually unless they’ve been evasive and impossible to track down.

Another fucking bad take from Hughes, add it to the mountain pile.

Dou you know how you prevent shit like that of happening to you?

When a process server look for you at your home address or office you receive him or make an appointment for a later date, instead of trying to avoid and dodge it, because that’s how you get this kind of situation. Respect the job of the others and they

Meh. I’m on the process servers side. Just the messenger. There’s no details exactly how the process server came to the conclusion of doing this action. I’ll assume it can be for any number of reasons such as, “I tried several times these last couple of weeks to professionally serve her, but she knows how to pump

And here I am having watched that film at least a dozen times and still not realised it was him in that role.

I’ve never seen such a good actor so wasted than Stephen Root in The Book of Boba Fett. 

Hey, I support his directing career. Or anything else he does that leaves him with less time to write.

“Mainly what I regret is that I directed it, because I am a terrible hack who ruins everything I touch.”

“characterized by rapid and unpredictable changeableness of mood

Can’t wait! 

I feel like, after Bill Murray has died, and the nostalgia fades a bit, we’re going to hear a lot of problematic stories about him.

Is there an editorial prize to see who can publish the dumbest story this week?

At least he died doing what he loved, eating Hitler’s asshole.

If there’s anything I know about Gilbert Gottfried, it’s that he would want nothing more than to have us make tasteless jokes about his death less than a week afterwards. Afraid I can’t think of any right now, but RIP regardless.

Sounds like someone ordered one and is now facing the inconvenient truths of their purchase.

While the stars might align, Tesla body panels never will.