United States of Bonerland

Del Rio—like lots of us—didn’t feel like she really understood the director’s work until she had the opportunity to visit his Montana hometown.

You tedious little shit.

I get that new concepts and words can be hard. The singular “they” in English only goes back to the 14th century

Learn English. They is a very common singular pronoun, and has been long before trans folk started using it.

I like the Pot Brothers (real attorneys apparently) approach. If they ask you why you think they pulled you over, you just ask them, “Why did you pull me over?” Other than that, you need only a few phrases.

russia is not capable of conducting effective conventional warfare”

Agreed, but conventional warfare isn’t remotely the concern and you know that.

You will be given an opportunity to find a lawyer, or if you don’t have one by when you appear before a judge for charging you will be asked if you have an attorney and if you don’t you’ll be put in the public defender queue.

Cue the dumbass cryptbros: yOu JuSt DoN’t UnDeRsTaNd CrYpTo BrO tRuSt Me It’S bEtTeR tHaN rEaL mOnEy!!!! now give me some real money for my fake money!

I feel like it’s rather telling that this implementation of awful nft bullshit ultimately also wraps itself in loot boxes. A scam embedded within a scam.

Cops killing people is at least nominally illegal. It is 100% legal for cops to lie to you. 


This is the long and the short of it. Do not talk to the police. Assume everything they say to you is a lie intended to get you to talk to them so that they can pin something on you. “I am asserting my right to remain silent until I speak to my attorney.” End of conversation. 

Now playing

Blocked at work, but I’m assuming this is the University of Virginia presentation (the law professor’s name escapes me at the moment). Definitely worth watching.
If country music’s your thing, these guys sum it up in 5 minutes

Cops can shoot and kill innocent people, claim that either they were only doing so in pursuit of their duty or that they were afraid for their life, and then get off with, in all but the absolute worst cases, no worse than a paid suspension. There is zero chance that telling you a lie, especially when it’s your word

Now playing

This video is 45 minutes and worth watching every second. No matter how innocent you are, DO NOT talk to the police.

“...If the angels bring some sort of script that’s written in gold ink that says to me that it’s going to be really important for people to see, I might continue down the road, but I’m taking a break.”

 Does anyone else feel like maybe we don’t need to reproduce that photo (and video) a trillion times?

Geeze, that’s almost as dated as the GI Jane joke! 

“How was your weekend?”

Three days on, the Online Panopticon continues to have its watchful and infinite eyes trained almost exclusively on the Will Smith/Chris Rock incident at Sunday night’s Oscars ceremony. Somewhere, deep in the laboratories of Twitter, fifth and sixth-generation Takes are already gestating, scalding in their heat, and