United States of Bonerland

In the time of Mr. Show, David definitely had the more striking, memorable characters. But David aged into a crotchety asshole, while Bob became a paternal, if surreal, prestige actor. 

It’s fine if you like David Cross more than me.”

Exactly, his whole “You’re not really ‘Black’ unless you are from Africa and have never met a White person” was mentioned on this site. And while I think Rogan’s Covid casual misinformation campaign is super shameful, his racism should also get some acknowledgement. Like, he’s the definition of a guy who would say “ I

If only it was just him dropping the n-word, but the dude also thinks black people have different brains.

You don’t get to go, “Oops, the racism was accidental!” when you’re spouting phrenology-like bullshit.

You know, I realize I’m watching a TV show that is both intentionally comedic and fantastical. I also get that requires certain suspension of disbelief, honestly I get that. But even with that in mind, there are just boundaries that cannot be crossed or else all the structures come crashing down as too much accept.

Having not watched a single episode, what the fuck is going on with this show?

“well tonight thank god it’s them instead of you”

Why don’t Neil Young, Joni Mitchell, and other like-minded musicians (I’m looking at you Jason Isbell) get together and record a “We Are The World”-type song and call it “Joe Rogan Is A Fucking Idiot” and watch it shoot to the top of the Spotify streaming ranks. Donate the proceeds to voter rights groups.

Huh, that’s why my “Bleachy Drink Mask Death Hour” podcast wasn’t approved.

But it is about power lol. When you're an abusive POS who gets off on having complete power over another person, having women willingly throw themselves at you in exchange for money or fame isn't enough. 

Yes, let's blame the women and not the men who abuse women and the billion dollar industry that enables said abuse. 

My favorite part of the episode was when Peacemaker pointed out how he too had been bullied in his youth by people calling him a bully and insensitive. The delivery of it was just near-perfect.

I think Netflix really shot themselves in the foot with the dump-a season-all-at-once model. Even when their shows are good they don’t seem to occupy any pop culture space for longer than the week or two everyone is binging (with maybe the exception of maybe Squid Game or the Marvel shows way back when). Sites like

I agree, Netflix has been one of the less compelling streaming options for a good while now. I feel like they no longer offer anything that other services don’t, and those services are often cheaper and better curated. 

they’ve been coasting for a long time and blowing a lot of money on stuff people haven’t been watching at all, and at worse it has actively been bad pr for them.

Just too often, they pull the “SayingSomethingFastWhileFallingOffACliiiiiifffffffff!!!”

Did last season get funny? I kinda need the show to be funnier. The whole thing feels...empty. I don’t know how else to explain it. I try to watch it and it’s like opening up bags of chips but there’s nothing in them.

Holy crap the seasons of this are so far apart

Now playing

Holy crap the seasons of this are so far apart I always forget that it exists and what happened last season.

I get Jamie Lynn is just cashing in as much as she can now, but it’s still yucky to watch, and it must be terrifying for Britney to watch her family try and control her narrative again. I doubt she would have deteriorated this much if it wasn’t her money hungry family controlling her for so long.