United States of Bonerland

50 New Republic credits says they saved all that effects budget for de-aged Harrison Ford.

Something tells me the murderous Wookiee bounter hunter doesn’t stick to all the Kashyyyk traditions. He probably doesn’t make it home for Life Day, even.

Discovering that Robert Rodriguez was involved in this explained a lot about why Danny Trejo suddenly turned up (not that that’s ever a bad thing) and also why the colour-coded kiddie bikers gave the episode a real Spy Kids vibe (which is not a good thing).

That chase was uncomfortable to watch because of how obviously slowly the vehicles were moving. The landspeeder didn’t even seem like it was going to clear the debris it was dislodging from precariously-placed overhangs.

assholes live longer.

You guessed it....

I don’t really think the writers have a choice in terms of where that goes, unfortunately.

He’s sucking dick for crack in Heaven now.

“Bob was the first comedian that I ever saw perform, when I was a boy, live, and I loved him. But one thing that bonds us as comedians is we’re bitter, and jealous, and we hate everyone else that has any success. But Bob, honestly, has never had an unkind word for anybody, and I love him, and I hope everyone else

Hot take: Whedon’s version of Batman was one of the more refreshing takes on the character.

At least he’s not in an ad peddling crypto.

I think Whedon is getting to much credit here. Like obviously he made it worse, but Ben is clearly stating that he didnt enjoy being a famous superhero because his life was totally falling apart. Totally understandable really.

I hope he didn’t compound his misery by watching it too.

We can only hope.

Paying $15 to see a movie starring Jared Leto does feel like a particularly cruel April Fools prank.

Nah, fair enough. In New Zealand (where I live), they aren’t legally allowed to say suicide in news articles, so I was wondering if that insanity made its way to US news. Guess not. 

Ya’ll wrong. It’s not even a guaranteed euphamism. It’s the basic way a young death is described when they don’t know yet.

People can and do die suddenly for completely mundane medical reasons.