United States of Bonerland

“Sex addiction” is not in the DSM. Compulsive sexual behavior is often associated with other problems. 

I have read anonymous accounts of sex addicts who are average people who spend all night masturbating to porn, paying for prostitutes, and generally pushing their families to the back burner and engaging in riskier and riskier behaviors (i.e. like an addict) until it bites them on the ass. I am far more likely to

Definitely both, sex addiction is an excuse for assholes and Franco is an asshole.

He’s sick! He needs help! He’ll go tomorrow!

Sex addiction, eh?

Do you think someone in Sweden is free and safe? Do you realize they only have the opportunity to spend all their money on social services because the US guarentees Russians won’t show back up on their lawn as they historically have.


The mandatory service is irrelevant fuckstick. Has nothing to do with being 37 years and old and still cheering the Apartheid.

How many Americans in the service have actually done anything to keep America safe and free compared to those who’ve had to help out either our allies or our corporate interests? Having troops all over the middle east has done nothing to keep America free and many enlistees were sold a bill of goods.

How many Americans in the service have actually done anything to keep America safe and free compared to those who’ve had to help out either our allies or our corporate interests? Having troops all over the middle east has done nothing to keep America free and many enlistees were sold a bill of goods.

It's ironic what a few years can do, especially if those years are 2019-2021. 

Yes? Just because someone serves in the military doesn’t mean they automatically deserve to be publicly fellated as heroes.

Unless there was an edit, the article is silent on Gadot outside the film, so no.

And the IDF loving Gadot! It’s a nightmare!

Wow. A guy who is a huge creeper in many ways with Hammer. Then you also got TWO anti-vaxxers in this thing (Brand & Wright) front and center.

I'm not sure you understand what the word "alleged" means.

Things are moving very quickly in this instance, which makes me wonder if there are more accusations to come that CBS and Universal may have heard about and want to get ahead of. Or, and this would be nice, four accusations is plenty as far as they’re concerned.

I mean, we can if we want. We’re not journalists or anything. Is it 100% accurate? Not necessarily. But if you believe Noth is a rapist and you’re not talking in any official capacity, you can do as you please.

Queef Latina ... now there’s a name I haven’t heard in a long time.