United States of Bonerland

I thought the the whole response was summed up by the cast not wearing masks the entire episode but wearing them during the closing credits.

That Global Warming Christmas sketch being 30 years old is just flat out depressing. But, Phil Hartman!

Listen, I get that this was eerie as hell, and it certainly felt like March 2020 all over again. But it’s not: yes, we were caught flat-footed by how contagious this is, but vaccinations are keeping it from being seriously dangerous. We’re well past the point where we can get Covid cases down to zero.

I was surprised at how long that Global Warming special bit went on (and that none of the celebrities mentioned during the opening announcement actually appeared in the bit).

And she was arguably the most popular character of the first movie.

While Garfield just kind of stands to the side, nodding approvingly.

It also isn’t really a hedge!

Kevin Fiege isn’t gonna fuck you bro.

If the movie is reviving old favourites from the 2000s, it should definitely bring back fan favourite Big Pillar Of Light In The Sky for a cameo.

Oh boy are you about to be disappointed. Not only have I now written about counterweights, but I’ve also written about blue anodized wheel cylinders:


That would seem to be the only use for it, but then without a central government, or authority enforcing your private property rights, what’s the point of them? The blockchain can say it’s yours all it wants, but I have a big monkey wrench in my hand and I say it’s mine now, what are you going to do about it?

You might have provided a timestamp on when in the 19 minute interview the laugh takes place.

Hell yeah! I hadn’t heard about this instance, but coincidentally, I have another tab open on imgur with this:

You know, there are times where things feel so hopeless, i.e., Man, no matter how many laws are passed, no matter how many elections are won, the corporations will just find ways around it—especially with the Supreme Court gladly lickin’ private-sector boots.

I wonder how much of the dislike is for similar reasons that you posted. Not saying its wrong, but how many viewers didn’t care for the depictions because they remember the anime as it was and found the changes off putting or lackluster? Pierre is a good point, I haven’t watched that episode yet but if you as a fan

Further nitpicking, Danny Elfman composed the first theme for B:TAS (a variation of his theme for the 1989 movie and heard in the intro where Batman catches the two bank robbers) and Shirley Walker composed the second theme heard when the show became The Adventures of Batman & Robin.