United States of Bonerland

I’d say you should consider a career in journalism, but judging by the quality of writing on this site, I fear you may be grossly overqualified.  Thanks for the valuable information!

I’m surprised Kinja didn’t list the products as a slideshow.

Out here doing the Lord’s work. Thank you.

Why not include the list of products in the article? Here they are:

Is the problem is only “aerosol spray deodorants and antiperspirants,” maybe don’t use a header image that’s exclusively the rub-on stick kind.

Keanu Reeves has seen every cock on the planet.

By the looks of things, and this is purely this writer’s prediction, Neo’s everyday life from the first trailer is another training simulation, complete with a face-melting Trinity. And within the first few beats of the film, the simulations guide him going through events from the trilogy—sort of like Avengers: Endgame

Letting a serial rapist live his life mostly repercussion-free was the thing that was dangerous.

I was going purely by “number of movies named after you”. 6 would make Spider-Man 3 more than Iron Man, 3 more than Captain America, and 2 more than Thor.

Cool, I guess. This has been kind of my least favorite version of Spider-Man, though. I mostly like Tom Holland but I think his version of Spidey could use a shot of the wisecracking confidence that usually defines the character. Peter can only go so long on that clueless new guy “just happy to be here” energy. I also

Eight Crazy Nights didn’t do anything to alleviate how few Hannukah movies there are, because it’s more a movie about calling people freaks and retards and stuff.  It’s absolute dogshit and I can’t believe you’d even try to recommend it, honestly.

It’s a shame there was obviously a time limit, because there’s a lot more that would have been fun to read about.

Is this the most DELIGHTFUL Random Roles interview ever made?

Clearly, you have issues.

I’ve already narrowed down Armand’s killer to two theories.

  • I love the Matt Fraction-inspired title sequences that start and end these episodes.” Matt was the writer, these are David Aja inspired.

That was basically Sausage Party, which sucked. So...we’ll see.

It sounds like Sausage Party, but with Christmas.

Now playing

So a Bitch Pudding Christmas special basically?

People like that are a big reason why I won’t buy a Tesla. No other car company requires me to buy into its CEO’s cult of personality in this way. I don’t know ANY of the CEO of Honda’s political opinions, and if he expressed some he wouldn’t expect Honda buyers to dive in front of him to protect him from criticism.