United States of Bonerland

jfc that’s a clickbaity headline.

I’m sure that kinda sick shit happens a lot, just the actors get muscled into keeping quiet.

She does go on to explain that if she sells the property in the future for the same price, she’ll owe taxes on that $3 million again. But until that day, she’s basically getting an interest-free loan from the government.

Well, if they think we’re going to comment on yet another Yellowstone article, they’re sorely mistaken.

An odd content piece for sure.

It’s always weird seeing which shows AV Club gets paid to talk about.

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I know I’d be embarrassed to talk about my lawyer if I hired Hyper Chicken to represent me. “Your Honor, the prosecution roosts. BUCKBAWK!”

You know what? If Star Wars continues as even just decent-to-good television, then that will be fine. Maybe film isn’t their medium anymore.

Had a phone job where one of our “special” customers would call in and pretend to be his lawyer, his wife, random neighbors - always using the same high pitched nasal falsetto voice and descending quickly into obscenities and completely insane demands.

Meh, just replace him with Charlie in a blond wig. Now just let me google to see what he’s been up to in the last 20+ years..

let’s replace Gordon Bombay with Gordon Ramsay with absolutely no explanation

Anti-vax stances, Blue Lives Matter stickers.

The one good thing about the pandemic.  Being able to identify who's a terrible person with one easy step.  Vaccined or not.

Whole generations of people grew up not having to worry about stuff like Polio because of mandated vaccines just pissing in the wind now and taking future generations with them.

Gordon Bombay died on his way to his home planet.

It probably helps if you already are in Japan like Brian.

The one blessing in all this is it gave us the documentary “Overnight” which is an amazing film about how movies are made, and a trainwreck to behold.

...there are countries other than America?

My guess is that the OP doesn’t live in America. Disney+ has Hulu stuff in other countries.

This comment is the perfect balance of cynicism and whimsy. It’s a razor’s edge we must walk.