United States of Bonerland

I’m trying to be positive today, so I’m going to tell you about Lindsay Lohan’s best film role: playing against type as the spotlight-shunning daughter of an aging radio star in Robert Altman’s final film, A Prairie Home Companion. Only VERY loosely based on the radio show of the same name (though Garrison Kellor does

The furries aren’t here for Lindsay Lohan’s fursona NFT”

ScarJo being rich doesn’t absolve Disney of breaking their contract and then trying to bully her into submission.

I think a lifetime of working as an editor has trained the hairs on my arms and back of my neck to stand up whenever I hear off-camera punch-up. When it’s not some stupid goofy aside, it’s usually a character re-iterating the stakes or goal of the characters for everyone who’s been too busy watching their phones in

I watched these again for the first time in years as well, and I was surprised that I kind of sort of liked Revolutions better than Reloaded (though both are shit compared to the original). I mean the mech stuff in Revolutions was dumb and boring, but the rest of the Zion fight was...well not entertaining but not not e

Great, great scene and incredible to see both in 2003 and again on rewatch.

People spent a lot of time wondering about Cecily, Kate, Kenan, Aidy, but Beck leaving SNL is actually a sneaky big loss. He’s essentially been SNL’s glue guy during his tenure. A consistently solid performer that makes every sketch he’s in work. He was in the mold of Phil Hartman/Jason Sudekis where they may not be th

What really sucks is when you have a legitimate criticism of them and their bad business practices but are forced to sign an NDA before they’ll help you. Did this happen to me? Who knows. I’m not sayin’.

Does Tesla have a different corporate structure/governance in China? I wish the article would go into more depth here. Because I know Tesla does some stupid shit, but I can’t imagine even Elon himself (obviously no stranger to Social Media Drama) would approve of this sort of tactic. Its insanely stupid, but likely

Pretty sad day when the most valuable car company on the planet can't get away with fraud.

anti-vaccine Facebook groups have been influencing members to not seek hospital treatment for covid-19 and even instructed them to pull their sick family members out of ICU”

I know it’s weird to latch on to one thing in this sea of crazy but I genuinely don’t get the fear of tracking. Dude, unless you don’t own a smartphone your minute-by-minute location data is already available for sale, legally, on the open market. Isn’t it a bit late to worry about that?

Recreating the original opening just makes it look off, since the opening using stilted animation for most of the shots. It honestly looks like a YouTube parody opening for a good chunk of it. I also couldn’t help but chuckle at Faye’s movements. Her actress is not selling the physicality part at all. I also see

My first thought is... I don’t like it? From a pure motion design standpoint it feels like it’s awkwardly straddling the 2D graphic->3D photoreal divide. The stuff that’s most directly ripped from the original title sequence feels the worst, because it loses the dynamism that comes from hand-drawn, hyper-kinetic

Disney is a monster, and I have some sympathy for Lieber, but Ditko never showed any interest in lawsuits when he was alive. I’d also argue that the families don’t even really intend to get the characters back — Thor becomes a lot less valuable detached from the rest of Marvel and much of his supporting cast — and the

I am shocked, SHOCKED!!!!, that the company founded by a man who named names to the House Un-American Activities Committee would sue the families of the people who created the characters they make billions of dollars off of for the copyrights that rightfully belong to those families!!!!  It’s almost as if this company

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The most informed, even sympathetic, coverage of Joanne just might be Natalie Wynn’s video.

Serious question: if you’re are so exasperated with Rowling and the prospect of a Fantastic Beasts 3, then why write about it at all? Will this narrative thread continue right on through to review time?

Reasons to consider caring about this film: