United States of Bonerland

Tired: turning beloved works of anime into inevitably inferior live action products.

If anyone is interested, there’s an “updated” version of King Lear with Anthony Hopkins and Emma Thompson on Amazon . It’s a dystopian future type setting but it keeps all the beats of the play. It’s very good. Cast is fantastic.

I’m curious to see how loose of an adaption this ends up being. Because “written for the screen and directed by Joel Coen” suggests that maybe he’s rewriting a lot of it. McDormand’s comments about focusing on age would seem to back that up. But there’s one line of dialogue in the trailer, and it’s a very famous line

Whenever I’ve said anything about Norm over this past week, I’ve always phrased it along these lines: “Norm was a fucking asshole who had some pretty bad takes, but holy shit, if he wasn’t also one of the funniest goddamn men who ever lived, and I hate that he won’t be around to tell any more of his godawful,

I was waiting for the obligatory “this beloved guy sucked because he doesn’t have the moral character of me!”

He certainly wasn’t a Joe Rogan type with wacko beliefs or some edgy comic ranting about women and “the gays” and minorities like they’re all just nuisances in his life. MacDonald made jokes that may read as extremely callous on paper but the delivery was something else entirely.

Is any of this evidence of him being a piece of shit not based on him making some jokes you didn’t like?

Unlike Jimmy Fallon.

But on the upside, I don’t think anybody will be surprised that Conan showed strength and integrity in this situation and stood up for his friend.

Their decision-making also seems suspect. These are highly paid individuals!!

Who knew that a TV executive would be of such poor moral character? I for one, am shocked.

Au contraire, I think it is a passably, maybe even adequately executed bit!

This show is legit amazing. Nathan Fielder is a producer and its somewhat of a kindred spirit to Nathan For You, but its sweeter and occasionally even weirder. And it can be whimsical or thoughtful or sad, but it can also be gut-bustingly funny. My biggest laugh in the last year was from a tangent of a tangent in one

It’s strange; the dude studied for a few years at the School of American Ballet, his parents are a fashion photographer and an opera director, his grandma fought in Norwegian resistance and was imprisoned in a concentration camp for her efforts in moving Norwegian Jewish children into Sweden, and yet all of these

Steve Buscemi has repeatedly said he does not want the job; we should honor his wishes. 

It was a really bad joke, and he apologized for it... several times over the years. He admitted that it was a lame attempt to sound edgy, and he always regretted it. I’m just shocked that people keep digging it up, even today.

Ken Jennings may literally be the funniest guy on Twitter. Would be a shame for his legacy to be judged on one terrible joke out of thousands of great ones. 

It absolutely blows my mind that they just seem to outright refuse to even entertain the idea of hiring the person that the population overwhelmingly want who is about as far from controversy as a person can be.

The tweet was in 2014. I don’t know what the sentence in the stocks in the public square should be, but it feels like nearly eight years is just about enough.

I think the most important thing I’ve learned through this thing is that WAY the fuck more people deeply care about Jeopardy! than I thought.