United States of Bonerland

Realistically kinja is so bad at being an archival system that you guys might as well swap to live discord channels embedded w/ forced threading per article and the comment section would work better here.

This is why I still use gamefaqs. The place is an absolute shit hole, but one of the only actual general gaming forums that still exists. I feel like traditional forums have the exact right amount of accountability, where people can see who are and learn who to steer clear of but you can’t get downvoted into oblivion

The same goes for sites killing their comment sections and kicking everyone to social media while proclaiming how much they value communication. 1) No you don’t to add extra hoops so stop lying. 2) Not everyone has (or wants) a social media account in order to communicate with other readers. 3) Why does not a single

Should have punished them and made them use kinja.

I was deeply disturbed by Coulier asking her to talk to him in a “Bluto” style voice though.

He’s spent so much time watching people be funnier than Jimmy Fallon that he can really appreciate the different ways that they’re funnier than Jimmy Fallon.

The fact that he has somehow outlived Macdonald and is tweeting about is sort of the absurdity that the latter probably would have appreciated.  Those were great skits.

St Anger absolutely deserved a Grammy.

An Emmy-winning costume, ladies and gentlemen.

I regret to inform you that you’ve just been sued by Spencer Elden.

Screw that. Bring back Wonder Showzen.

As a city dweller too, I fear greatly for pedestrians, who I often see completely oblivious to what is going on...earbuds in ears, or gaze down toward phone. Had I not been looking out as a driver, there are easily a half dozen times where I would’ve hit someone, because they crossed against the light, or were

Snyder’s superhero movies at least have a perspective, characters with basic motivations and comprehensible action. Tenet may not have been as questionable as those movies, but that’s just because it had nothing on its mind at all beyond trying (and failing) to figure out how its gimmick functions on a broad scale.

It's genuinely one of the worst movies I've ever seen. 

I’m surprised other studios are fighting to sign him after Tenet. That movie was a mess. It was his first dud though, so they’re likely assuming he bounces back. I don’t know if that movie would have done much better minus Covid. I think peak-pandemic was a good time for him to send this film into the world. Not as

You sure about that? Every job I’ve ever had for the last 10+ years has had me signing a ream of papers upon starting. Many of those included some sort of agreement saying I wouldn’t work for someone else “on company time”. Which is somewhat specific, but honestly much of the US is “at will” anyway, so they don’t

I have a co worker currently doing this.

“...two full-time, salaried jobs...” if the job is salaried, it is not deceptive as long as you get all the work done. It would be different with hourly wages where you have committed that time to the employer whether or not there is anything to do.  One drawback is that you will have excess withholding taken out,

Oh my god, I forgot about the 501st Legion. Yes, let’s dress up as space Nazis!

Yea the weird affectation for SPACE NAZIS is something I’ve always found perplexing. There’s a dude down the street who has a bumper sticker of an AT-AT walker killing a stick family and I’m like “what, exactly, is this supposed to communicate to the world at large?”