United States of Bonerland

I mean, reading between the lines, dude’s given up on having any sympathy for addicts based on his personal experiences.

Man, if you derive this amount of pleasure from the misery of people you “don’t click with” I’d be curious to know what you wish on your enemies.

You seem like a dumb asshole I and most other people could never click with.

Christ, you sound like a piece of work. 

Congratulations on your recovery!

I went to rehab for cocaine as well, I’m approaching a year and I’ve basically had to reduce a lot of things in my life that feel like I’m performing for people (work events, stepping down from roles in friends weddings, summer BBQ’s, dates). I can’t imagine being a literal a performer struggling with cocaine abuse.

Yeah, it’s ticking all the boxes. The insistance that she saved her from himself made me cringe. What a weight to out on her! There’s no being saved from addiction, there’s only recovery, and it's forever. 

Mulaney praised his partner for taking him on at his post-rehab shakiest. “She held my hand through that hell,” said Mulaney,

Sadly, this is 100% textbook behavior of what recovery therapists refer to as “flight to health”. The grandiloquent epiphanies, entering a serious romantic/sexual relationship, the recovering addict impregnates their the partner, and the addict elevating the partner to savior status are all enormous, post-active addict

It’s been reported repeatedly that Disney+ revenue was being included with regular box office toward her contract bonus benchmarks.

Too late to edit but want to add I am still stewing about this and am starting to wonder if Bob Chapek is a carnival geek who somehow failed upwards, Being There-style, til he landed where he is today. If I was a board member I’d (A) not be whining to you schlubs on AV Club and (B) be calculating how much it will cost

The dynamics of the situation - and the solution - seem so blindingly obvious to me it’s genuinely upsetting everyone is talking around it:


Trying to do the math—

I think it's just more that whoever buys those movies on D+ are the folks not ready to come back to theaters yet (understandable). 

Sam knows that. He admitted as such later in the article. He was just being a shit.

The idea that Labor Day weekend might become a new brilliant time to release big movies is an interesting one (notwithstanding the entire landscape of movie releases being basically sand right now). Why exactly do we have months where studios just dump movies they don’t think will do well, and months where they

Paragraph One: Make a mountain out of a molehill

Hughes comes out against the idea that Weinstein and Pitt should dominate a conversation about Jolie’s book, but does so by writing an article dominated by Weinstein and Pitt that barely mentions the book.

I think it’s irresponsible to call masks “hygiene theater.” They aren’t total protection but they work well at preventing spread. Americans have a real “I’m all that matters, fuck everyone else” streak so the concept of wearing a mask to protect people you don’t know seems impossible to process.