United States of Bonerland

I hope so, because I don’t see this doing huge box office unless we’re living in a radically different world next month.

For a good long while now, I’ve had my fingers crossed that the pandemic is essentially to the tool that will get us part two.

I felt that if anyone could pull it off, it would be Denis Villeneuve. I have enjoyed every movie he has made. I didn’t think a sequel to Blade Runner could equal the original, and yet he did IMO. Granted this is only one review, so I will be curious what other critics will say. I will definitely sit in a theater maske

1:31 in: “I’m not even mad, yo” [yelling, cursing, neck and face are turning beet red]

So I am 23 seconds in and what is fascinating to me is that he is clearly, genuinely, proud of that accent. Like, he worked on it, or maybe he feels he has a natural gift, and I think on some level he wants some recognition, some praise for doing such a good job (in his mind) with that accent.

This, combined with its staggering ability to spread undetected, is why something labeled from the year 2019 will continue to put the brakes on society well into 2023, and then continue living with us forever after. It’s not a disease that makes your eyeballs melt, and it doesn’t have a 99% chance of making your ribs

Fun fact. Many people administering ivermectin to themselves have experienced finding worms in their stool. Somewhat odd for a horse de-wormer.

So true.  Can’t we have ONE of these assholes die?  Just one???

The reason I know we don't live in a simulation is that Trump dying of COVID would have been such perfect poetic justice and so narratively satisfying that our programmers wouldn't have been able to resist.

Of course your username is “Patrickbateman31, lmaooooo

This shouldn’t be news. Nothing this pathetic, lying conman says or does should be news. He should be shunned and ignored, like the snake oil salesman he is.

If Covid can’t defeat him, I will.*

It really blows my mind, I would like to somehow see the thought process. How do you have serious skeletons in your closet, see other people go viral and their skeletons from like 20 years ago come up and cost them everything.... Then decide to throw yourself in the spotlight to replace a universally beloved host.

Either that or Maurice Lamarche’s Orson Welles/Brain/Morbo

only if does Double Jeopardy as Werner Herzog.

All he had to do was creep behind the scenes like the cockroach he is. But nope, he flew too close to the sun for that hosting gig and invited the scrutiny

Someone once suggested Paul F. Tompkins for host. We need to amplify this worldview as much as humanly possible.  

Note that after the hack of the East Coast power grid, it took the government about 2 days to find the hackers, break into their crypto wallets and recover the ransom money.
