United States of Bonerland

So are we taking this attitude specifically to Israeli forces, or also to mandatory conscription in Korea or...?

I’m not here to debate Middle East politics, just to say that military service is in Gadot’s background, end of.

Louis CK had a redemption arc? Was it before or after his distinctly incel-ish club appearances where he was all whining about how unfair cancel culture is?

So your main takeaway from her post is that she writes funny, not that there was some (at the least) creepy shit going on that they had to make a rule like that in the first place? She was like 14 years old.

Yea, this statement confused me. This is the reckoning. Right now. We’re watching it unfold in real time. I don’t see Whedon fans lining up to defend him, if anything we (yes, I was one) feel incredibly betrayed and grossed out by all this. The only question now is how much worse can it get, given Trachtenberg’s

Maybe. Went to. William Shatner. School. Of. Acting.

And in this case, we actually know that Pedro Pascal made a truly heroic effort to get her to stop it. Which makes a horrifying amount of sense now that we know his sister is transgender; I can’t imagine what it was like having to work with her and not be able to say anything about that because his sister wasn’t ready

Her planet needs her. She has to go now.

Maybe there’s a clause in Disney’s contract that lets their Poor-Quality Deepfake Department put her face onto a body-double, so she can wrap up her story by dying on her way back to her home planet (which, being Alderaan, might be a little tricky).

Honestly she was fun in season 1 but her season 2 appearances felt strained. Glad she is gone because she sucks in real life but her presence on the show won’t be missed 

When your bigotry makes you so dumb that you either a) don’t have the people around you telling you to stop or b) you don’t listen to the people around you telling you to stop

It’s worth mentioning that they did this way back in November, they just only said she was no longer affiliated with them because she couldn’t stop being an asshole.

it’s sci-fi so anything’s possible. her character had a horrible accident & her face got melted off & that’s why she looks & sounds different.

I went I went in with the opposite situation. “I am ready to buy today if you can hit this price.”

This happened to my wife & I at a local Ford store 5-6 yrs ago. Long story but we started off w/a full disclosure to the sales guy “we’re not here to buy today, period. we’re here to comparison shop between the escape, rav4 and cx-5, we have no trade in, again we are not going to buy today.” This, by the way, worked

Right? I saw that hashtag IstandwithRay, and I am like, he hasn’t really said shit specifically to stand with. 

See, Ray? These are called details.

Hide the keys is old school dealership bullshit.

He’s an idiot. I can buy that Trump has some kind of animal cunning that let him tap into the worst parts of American culture and leverage that ignorance to his advantage. But that feels almost coincidental, like he was a symptom of something larger that landed him where he was, and then had the right “skillset”

If more companies and organizations that Fox News tells blatant lies about come forward with lawsuits, maybe the whole fake news problem will resolve itself.

I’m so tired of grocery delivery. As a very immuno-compromised person who hasn’t set foot in a grocery store since March, I’ve been seriously contemplating making a trip out again. Drove over to the store the other day, saw two guys walking in without a mask in sight, a woman and a man coming out with masks pulled