United States of Bonerland

I find the most disturbing part about Snyder is that he seems to actively cheer on the more toxic side of his fanbase...

How is it my elementary schooler can work the mute button on Zoom, but no one at Newsmax knows how one works?

It’s funny; with this news of an R rating, I’m actually looking forward to the Snyder Cut being released and turning out to be even more bafflingly misguided than any of us thought possible. I’m looking forward to it being an unexpectedly delightful train wreck, instead of just the ordinary train wreck we were already

A couple of $1.3B lawsuits will change your view of what “is” and “isn’t” “real” “evidence.”

Funny how quickly you can stop a Bullshit Train with a well worded letter from legal reps, and their on-air reactions only reenforce that they *knew* from the jump they were peddling bunkum. The crowd that looooves shouting “fake news” at stories they don’t like seem awfully fond of consuming and creating verifiably

I’ll sum up this movie with a single gif:

But one time with a sexual connotation.

The Joker has a full bowel movement on-camera. One take, no cuts. Brave filmmaking.

Oh my god. I just want this to be over with. 

Whenever Cyborg’s not on screen, the other characters ask “where the fuck is Cyborg?”

Batman says fuck.

Not sure why this still needs to be said, but apparently it does: fellow white people, don’t use that word. Don’t say it in public, don’t say it in private, don’t say it to yourself. Just. Don’t. Say. It. Ever.

He looks like a date rape starter pack.

no idea how we’ll ever find another guy who looks like that to perform country music

Is it even America anymore if he can’t sing the classics?” ~ Tucker Carlson, FoxNews later today

Haven’t we reached the point yet where we just hire Trent Reznor to beat the shit out of Marilyn Manson?
