Whose response was worse: Patty Jenkins in this article, or Gal Gadot having millionaires singing “Imagine” together from their mansions?
Whose response was worse: Patty Jenkins in this article, or Gal Gadot having millionaires singing “Imagine” together from their mansions?
Yes, it’s a bad faith argument made by incels
The right-wing crowd does tend to support alleged sex offenders (Roy Moore, Donald Trump the rapist, Matt Gaetz, etc.). But I have no clue wtf this person is on about.
Gotta be honest, not super clear on what point you’re trying to make.
This is so fucking stupid. Seriously, you can’t see the difference between commenting on a character’s appearance (which is 100% tied to the actor’s appearance) and having a character pretend to kill someone?
Good. Fuck Mike Richards, and fuck the bland croneyism that’s pushing out talented people for boring, mediocre insecure losers. Fuck his sexism, and fuck his arrogance in thinking he could pull a fast one on Jeopardy! fans. What a way to completely and immediately shit on Alex Trebec’s incredible legacy.
Is this one of those things where vulture capitalists buy an asset, leverage it with debt, and then make themselves way richer while destroying the thing they bought? Like what Mitt Romney did to children and workers all over the US with Toys Я Us?
I don’t know anything about them from the comics. But this looks like it could be a completely different universe and lose nothing, right? Is there any story-driven reason why this has to be in the MCU? Or would it be virtually identical even if Captain America didn’t exist, for example?
Spooky Buddies The Fault In Our Stars
“These actions do not reflect who I really am” is something only said when the actions absolutely reflect who they are. Welp guess I’m done with Jeopardy.
Because my wife and I wanted to get high and watch a shitty movie on a Friday night? 🤷♂️ Maybe Disney will miss my $28, despite my monthly $12. (And I’ll shortly be paying Disney several hundred dollars per month once the Disneyland Magic Key passes go on sale.)
I’m already paying Disney $12/mo. 🤷♂️
I’m wondering if this year’s numbers are going to set more realisticI’m wondering if this year‘s numbers are going to set more realistic benchmarks for movie success over the next decade. It’s just unreasonable to expect every potential franchise movie to pull in $1 billion in order to be considered a success.
There’s a small minority of pirates who would never, ever pay for anything. And then there are the majority who feel prices are unreasonable ($30 for the POS Black Widow movie that’ll be free in 3 months lol) or access isn’t available (as in this case). Data shows piracy boosts sales. It’s one of those weird economic…
I didn’t know about how bad and pervasive microplastics were until I saw this reddit thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/RBI/comments/ni4qpw/mysterious_microscopic_blue_and_red_fibers_in_my/
I thought this was stupid but then realized it’s really smart.
I think Marvel was, too, until they decided introducing Steinfeld would be more bankable.
It’s also very possible the contract had a provision that gave Disney the ability to change the terms due to acts of God or whatever. We’re all just a bunch of armchair attorneys unless we can read the contracts and supporting material for ourselves. Otherwise it’s just “multi-millionaire demands bigger paycheck for…
Right? I get why they do it (it’s incredibly cheap). But it’s just ugly and lazy.