United States of Bonerland

Oh my god. I didn’t know The Simpsons wasn’t just a parody, but a line-by-line spoof.

Or a combination of the two, where we remove the incentive to see student loans as a wealth vehicle (and thus become predatory) by removing any interest while lowering the federal guarantee over time to zero at non-public schools. A big part of the student loan crisis is the unreasonable set of expectations set by

I live in LA, there’s definitely a “Oh I wonder what’s going on, lemme check Citizen”  element. But it’s definitely fearmongery and not something anyone who isn’t cynical should go near.

This is like how my shitty boomer HOA manager sends a “crime report” with subject lines like “55 crime reports in the last week” and literally 54 of them are, “Sheriff called on trash can in wrong place” and other benign shit. But if you don’t read the stupid email, you think everything is a lot more terrifying than

I don’t know why there’s more than a 2 week spoiler window for these weekly shows. If you care that much about spoilers, you make time for the show or completely stay offline. 

Idk if Penn is a liberal. But he beat the shit out of Madonna, allegedly, and I don’t know any liberals who look at  Penn as a role model. 

After seeing Marcon’s comments and now this, I think we’re going to see a big “we’re done putting up with your shit” moment against anti-vaxxers. And I sure hope so. Those  selfish assholes are the ones causing every single problem they’re still complaining about.

This seems like a fair solution all around. Retroactively make interest 0% and count all funds paid toward the original principles. That’d silence the jerks who failed to teach us finances and then complained when we signed predatory loans.

This guy looks like a loser who grew up trashy and got lucky that his Silk Road drug money was suddenly worth something. The perfect spokesperson for a scam targeting stupid, trashy people.

True, but it at least reminded me of more enjoyable movies.

This entire film had the critical thinking of an executive brainstorming session. It was profoundly cynical, artless, and – worst of all – boring. It didn’t have a clue who its audience was (why the fuck are the Droogs in my kids’ Looney Tunes movie?), and it just didn’t care. The most emotional moment was when Danny

Infinite realities means there’s a nice, PG version too. It’s all canon.

Okay, so it doesn’t lay out the entire premise of the show in the lyrics. It’s no Small Wonder. But it’s so weird that it’s iconic and way more memorable.

I’m so torn about how to feel in the US. After spending a year being aggressively shamed and attacked for doing the right thing (wearing a mask, avoiding social gatherings), I’m having a hard time giving a crap about the MAGA boneheads.

I think I paid something like $25 for it on PC. 

I think I paid something like $25 for it on PC. 

She lives with her parents up the street from me. So no rent.

The entire music industry is built on taking ideas and tweaking them. Riffs, looks, beats, etc. It’s very probable that sometime in the last 25 years, two different covert art designers had a similar idea.

I didn’t own a Wii U, like a lot of people. And I’d pay them to play old GBA games on Switch. No reason at all they don’t do this other than, idk, laziness? What, do they not like money?

Maybe the movie was too scary for her. (I maybe had to watch it in parts, and I’m an ugly middle-aged man!)

One time I accidentally drove the Road to Hana in an Enterprise rental car. I definitely scratched and damaged it. Returned it at night, in the rain. Never heard back.