United States of Bonerland

This feels like a best-case scenario, right? “Hey, I didn’t realize the harm I was causing, but now I do and I’m genuinely sorry. I’m hoping we can all learn from my mistake and do better because it’s important.”

Thanks for reading an article, post streaming launch, and somehow expecting not to see plot points already covered in marketing for the film. And then making a whiny, non-contributing comment on said article. Spoiler whiners are the pop culture equivalent conservative cancel culture – always going out of their way to

So by these numbers (which seem low), only something like ~1M households worldwide finished the Snyder cut? That’s like spending $70/household plus marketing for his vanity project.

The Transformers can like scan other cars they see and change how they look instantly. Which opens the door for having new toys every movie without constant on-screen discussions about Bumblebee’s new hat or whatever. But then it makes you think, “Well if they’re hiding, why doesn’t Optimus prime constantly change his

Yeah. Watched some of the early Gen 1 eps with my young kids, and they’re just... terrible. It’s not like Paramount destroyed a brilliant franchise.

lol “snyder bots”. Zach Snyder still isn’t great, this movie is just better than Whedon’s version. 

I, too, was once young enough to contribute shallow, edge-lord-y takes on internet comment boards.

It’s a good movie to have on in the background while you work for the morning.

I expected to fully hate it, but the extra time to introduce/characterize Flash and Cyborg actually make the movie much better. Like the focus shifts to them because you actually give a shit about those characters, which makes the entire narrative a bit more satisfying. It’s weird to think that Ray Fisher was... kinda

But cases have not-NOT been traced to theaters, since it’s virtually impossible to say “The kinds of people risking a theater visit would only ever break their quarantine for a movie theater,” since the kinds of people seeing movies right now are very likely to be doing other non-quarantine activites.

This article completely ignores the very relevant reason the recipe is buried at the bottom: SEO. The loudest food bloggers complaining rely on organic search traffic, likely for the majority of their traffic.

Please list the times where I said Woody Allen’s movies are full of pedophilia.

Very weird topic to try and defend, but this stuff is all throughout his work, including his most recent film:

Multiple films where a middle-aged man is dating teenaged girls.

TLDR: “I’m a big boring bore who doesn’t think /r/Wallstreetbets screwing over Melvin is funny,” even though it objectively is.

I mean, maybe? Or maybe he has an NDA but not a non-disparagement clause. Hard to guess from the outside.

I believe that there was some nonsense that went down during filming – the shoot was a shitshow amidst tragedy. But so much of this feels like someone loudly letting everyone else know he doesn’t understand what an executive’s job is.

Yeah turns out anyone over 5'8" not covered in pouches would probably look funny.

This was the most beautiful, moving series of the year for me. Big Nathan Fielder fan since Jon Benjamin Has a Van, and very happy to John Wilson continue to build on that sensibility in his unique way.

I get the contract issues are messy. But Nolan’s insistence that his shittiest movie (Tenet) be seen in a theatre during a pandemic almost makes it seem like he’s an asshole surrounded by yes-men. Dude needs to pull his head out and think constructively about the future of movies instead of just being a dick.