United States of Bonerland

It’s got native apps for FireTV, consoles, and AppleTV... you salty about Roku?

Is it just me, or does Boba Fett’s armour look extreme goofy on whoever’s wearing it this season? Felt the same way during the premiere, too.

Now playing

Reminds me of Ian McKellen explaining how he’s not really a wizard:

I live in the US, and in our system, we’re fucked, truly fucked, and there’s no way out without massive government intervention. I’ve paid more than the amount of one of my loans and the amount due is still higher than the principle. Who the fuck lets a teenager take out a loan like that?

That’s my point. “Music industry people play well-known music industry games” is a non-story. Taylor is more popular, so when she doesn’t like it, there’s enough mass in her 1% of superfans who care that something actually happens.

This is astute.

After rewatching some G1 episodes with my kids lately, I can only say... Good lord, this show was fucking terrible and cheaply produced. I get that most of the nostalgia probably comes from the ways we played with these toys as a kid, but the actual source material is... not good. If anything, the first Bay movie is

You say their motives are “suspicious,” but we know their motives are exclusively accumulating more wealth at the expense of anything and anyone else.

Obviously not always true, but I’ve seen that broken, abusive people often attract each other. Like fame, fortune, and scarves don’t suddenly class someone up. No one should endure abuse, clearly. But I’m not surprised there isn’t a clear “good/bad” person here.

You should remind us. 

The comments here are proof there’s no IP the internet doesn’t have surprisingly strong opinions about. 

I miss Diamond Joe. 

It’s all connected. By focusing on executive bonuses and nickel-and-dimey bullshit, they created a scenario where they weren’t sustainable without $17 tickets. So their operating costs became so high, they require big, expensive blockbusters where people buy $15 popcorns just to stay open. It’s an example of what

Wow turns out all those years of creating a shitty theater experience, charging for popcorn refills, and generally being the WORST weren’t enough to prevent this bloated, dumb chain from running out of money.

Yeah they linked to it right in the article. Got to get that imaginary Internet karma points for making comments I guess.

What everyone else said about sideloading. Worked like a charm for me. HBO Max on my fire tv, no problamo. 

Oh, dear. This doesn’t bode well.

I kinda like it?

If they’d used their influence to get the president to take this fucking thing seriously in the first place and stop undermining public health officials, maybe theaters would be back open and making money, HMMMMM?!?!!!

My only reaction is, “🤨”