United States of Bonerland

After 17 years and featuring some of the most ambitious and aspirational storytelling in animation, AS isn’t going to give them at least a 4-episode wrap up? Not even a courtesy season?

What point is it that you’re trying to make? Nothing you’re saying tracks.

Yep. As we learn from Robocop, audiences are too stupid to realize the satire if “cool stuff blow up good.” And probably don’t want t condition the masses into accepting the fascist shit happening right now (like kidnapping in Portland by feds, or fatass mercenaries blocking’s Hampton Inns filled with illegally

Look, Dredd was great. Totally underrated, deserved a sequel, had shit marketing. But maaayyyybbbbeeeeee right now’s not the time for another story about a cop who’s judge, jury, and executioner all in one? Because I get to see that on Twitter every day.

Didn’t know they named one of the crows Jim – good lord, Disney. Dumbo is one that gets a lot of playtime when my kids visit my parents’ place. That scene always makes me cringe.

Step 1: Activate VPN

In a film class, in college, we did a lesson on Dumbo’s “Jive Crows.” Which, obviously, are racist caricatures of Black people. But like always, there was that one girl who insisted there was nothing racist at all about them, not a thing.

Home Improvement hasn’t had any new episodes in a while.

The real issue is, “Why is her diagectic music from her current day earth when she had no knowledge of earth culture?”

No amount of $200 bar tabs over a lifetime is going to make you a billionaire, period, and that’s the fucking problem. Read the article first, then comment, or else you sound like a dipshit. 

Oh, snap. Those are exactly the words I’ve been looking for to describe this jackass I know who believes basically every conspiracy.

I think some of it is the craft of making a TV show. Like, they can’t keep 5 as a 15 year old forever because the actor’s aging. 🤷‍♂️

Ughhhh I was waiting for this response. No shit, every country has ugliness in its past. Every religion, government, organization has shitty things about it. Your point is fucking mediocre and sophomoric. My point is the US is currently the biggest, steaming-est pile of shit in the world relative to how important it

Lived in Canada for a while. No where is perfect, but Canada is pretty great. 

Right, but my point is the US has plundered itself in the same way it plundered the countries so many are its US Americans hate and look down on. I understand your point, but I meant it how I said it. (I have a masters degree in American studies, so I appreciate the nuance.)

And I think you dramatically overrate the potential for introspection Americans have. We’re fucked, and we deserve to be. This pandemic has revealed the true heart of Americans and made it more bare than ever before. And it’s ugly and deserves to die (or at least take its rightful place as a third world country.)

Yeah I didn’t even know this was happening. I saw some random New Mutants stuff but still didn’t realize it was something one could watch from home.

Thanks for that clarification – it’s already such a scary, weird year. And the thought that an aneurysm is suddenly more likely would make it even scarier.

Oh god. Any info on whether he had COVID? This is horrifying.

“Then you’re gonna love Picard!”