United States of Bonerland

But that’s the point – quality gear and brand partnerships aren’t innovative. The eGPU was innovative, awesome!

Yeah. Remember what it used to be called when two giant, monolithic factions had arguments like this?

It’s fun how the same people can be part of so many things online, from #releasetheSnydercut to #TakeDownMillieBobbyBrown to even /r/incels (or wherever they hang out now). 

They should just release it so we can collectively watch, shrug, admit Snyder’s not a misunderstood genius, and move on.

Your site broke and now it’s in the mirror universe.

So who does have business building websites in your weird gatekeeper vision of the web? Is it something solely reserved for software engineers?

Somewhere, there’s a person who actually looks like this example of our “horrifying” future, and that person is probably sobbing alone in the bathroom.

“WAhhhh, I’m Pete Davidson, I’m not developed enough to know the difference between good and bad attention, waahhhhh. I’m not even old enough to realize how uninformed and underdeveloped my views on comedy are, wahhhhhh. I’m like the guy who thinks liking The Office is the same as personality, except instead of The Off

Yeah, that’s why I’m trying to agree with the original poster (dirtside) and say Gargasmell’s assholery isn’t helpful. I think Kinja’s formatting threw off the comment I was actually replying to.

How is your comment any more helpful? 

It’s only been 15 years since I took chemistry, but you clearly went to a better school than me because I have no clue what any of this means, chemically speaking.

What if I told you... you could get a fan-restored 4K version...

Amazing what being broke can do for a person’s desire to do the right thing. (JK. Milo is still a piece of shit who deserves nothing more than a minimum wage job and to be completely forgotten. He’s never doing the “right” thing, at least not on purpose.)

Looking forward to reading the review on another site, since, you know, Giz media’s last semblances of relevance will have been picked to the bone by then.

Speaking of beguiling, I’m beguiled at how quickly decent advertisers as fleeing G/O, leaving only the hucksters who peddle crap like this:

But it’s not celebrating the jerk, it’s celebrating the coming to awareness. If the internet were to recognize and celebrate moments of growth, even while acknowledging they’re only part of the picture, then we could motivate more people to grow.

Abominable is the hill you’re going to die on?

I saw this movie two weeks ago and literally forgot I had.

2raining for training day.

That episode is an all-time favorite episode of any show for me. That and the one where he keeps pushing his producer further and further south into Central America.