United States of Bonerland

I’m a 6’2” dude and have comically large hands. Even I had problems using the X without hand cramps.

Look, if the guy actually knew what the symbol was and did it anyway, screw him.

No, I build websites for a living, so I get how easy it is to add domain forwarding. I’m talking about the CMS or something and this being part of a bigger corporate-mandated initiative. 

It’s possible Pottermore was built on an aging tech framework, and that rebuilding it (instead of just integrating the content into a new, bigger site) would have been more expensive than it was worth. But yeah, marketers gotta do their thang.

That sounds fucking stupid. 

Wait, what’s the 2006 one from? Did they retcon it again in the comics?


The fact he wasn’t wearing a purple suit doesn’t disprove my point. Also, he literally told cops he “was the Joker”.

It has always, ALWAYS fallen on directors to defend their movies. And every great director understands this and is prepared. Maybe the director of such classics as The Hangover Part III, School for Scoundrels, and Starsky & Hutch isn’t up to the task like actually great directors.

It’s weird to me people trying to say “This Joker character has nothing to do with inspiring individuals with mass murder,” when, like, that’s literally happened in the past decade.

Part of being a director and actor is participating in the press and being ready to answer questions. So yes, it’s  literally his fucking job to think of these things.

While the prequels have their share of problems as films, their CGI was pretty good for the time. But CGI tends to age like milk.

No, I mean it. POTUS is a rapist. He’s had credible allegations against him since well before his “grab them by the pussy” moment.

On the one hand, our current system is designed to punish minorities as much as possible and is thus inherently broken. On the other hand, I dislike Tekashi 69 because he’s a real piece of shit. So I guess it’s almost like the 2016 election all over again where you have to root for systemic inequality bullshit

Yeah, I’m tired of the Giz media headline handbook. Maybe don’t be so bossy, Giz. We’re not children.

It’d be nice to not wait an entire year for the next batch of episodes. Like early Futurama, the series is really hitting its stride towards the end of this “season”. I’d hate to see interest lose momentum and get this cancelled by Netflix before we even have enough episodes for syndication. (Or whatever syndication

What if this is part of a deeper conspiracy to make us THINK aliens exist so the govt/Navy can... um... okay I haven’t gotten that far. But WHAT IF?

I think it’s important to note these comments were fairly recent, too. This isn’t Kevin Hart making a joke that, at the time, wasn’t offensive to most people. (Still a shitty joke, but context matters in comedy.)

Have you seen what that guy looks like?