United States of Bonerland

It got renewed for 20 more eps or something, so we’ve got at least one more batch coming after this one.

He feels like every vaguely “foreign” cartoon character from the early 90s. As if the writers don’t realize saying “my friend!” isn’t actually a character trait. 

Galaxy’s Edge is the most cynical, depressing place in Disneyland. Seriously.

THIS. Hollywood gossip feels so manufactured nowadays. I want to be surprised, dammit! Show me something crazy like weird ego trip behavior. 

“Somebody’s real name”? What do “real” names sound like? Is it white, Anglo names? Her name probably completely normal from where she’s standing.

lol first you don’t understand the original post, then double-down on your pretend offense. What even IS the internet, right?

It’s because we want to see what happens when he implodes. He’s already got lots of silly tattoos. What if he did other body modifications, like added horns or inked eyes or something? He’s going to burn out fast, and that means he’s going to burn out bright.

First Disney parks underperform because Galaxy’s Edge is garbage, and now this? Part of me kind of hopes this is the tipping point for Disney executive hubris to finally start affecting company performance.

Finally saw this. No one pitched it as an ironically bad, deliberately nonsense movie with kinda Bollywood roots. It’s... the best live action Disney remake? 

Sure thing Bryant, my conservative father-in-law  

Yep. This is my third kid, and my spouse had the postpartum the first two time. So I guess it’s my turn? Anyway, I’m sure it’ll get better sometime shortly after a complete mental, financial, and professional breakdown. 😉

Not being sarcastic, this comment really struck me deep. I’m lonely af right now thanks to postpartum dadpression, and for some reason this kind of escapism also motivates me to change some part of my life I can control. There are few things that feel as good as a freshly cleaned home.

Now now.... Apple’s just a symptom. Shareholder Capitalism is shit.

Ugh “isheeps”? What is this, 2009? 

The weird faces are interesting because it’s some leftover biological protection mechanism. “What’s that person looking at? Why is their face so weird? What am I missing? Am I safe?”

As long as they’re not wanky Tumblr-culture parties, I’m a great time.

I’d seen all of Marling’s movies before this show. But even for her special blend of “super special pretty girl who also happens to come from a huge pile of money”, The OA  was just too precious for me to enjoy.

I think it appealed to a small group of Marling’s acolytes. But for the rest of us who are tired of self-important, pretentious bullshit, the show was middling at best. It’s whole “Girl who is so precious and special she’s too good for this world” thing relied too much on mystery boxes.

It was the kind of thing that

Christine and my mother are the same person, right down to the Dasani. I’ll miss how this show makes me feel like someone else understands the insanity. 

It’s all the people who sat in the theater and made such a silly movie a legitimate cultural phenomenon.