United States of Bonerland

That’s.... a really good take on Tarantino. His films are like, “What if a 14 year old had seen a LOT of movies?”

When you’re not around, I bet ladies talk about how much of a nice guy you are and how they truly, deeply appreciate your respect for them.

I’m sure they are also doing the right thing and prorating refunds to anyone who can’t use the app during this really important update. Right? Otherwise, wouldn’t that technically constitute fraud on the personal part of Mitch?

Sure, I’ll take that. I’m just thinking about hypothetical office scenarios when you’re on a “safe” site and then BAM! A nipple. 

A heads up about that nippled screenshot would have been nice. Or maybe a NSFW tag.

Part man. Part machine. All excitement boner.

Especially since so much of his design process is basically, “Look at what Dieter Rams did, then add dongles.”

You’re not wrong, but the snowball effect isn’t diminished, IMO. Reddit is a huuuuuuuge site. If it can get away with censoring these idiots, then hopefully people will see there’s not a significant revenue/user loss by banning nazi trumpheads and follow. It’s all about money. Once you prove there’s more money to be

Okay, Highlights is goofy. But Reddit quarantining /r/TheDonald today is a sign that the knitting site’s brave first stand is working. It’s okay to ban and deplatform these creeps.

Remember when some smaller company (AirBnB?) stood up to Nazi trump supporters, and that kind of made it okay for everyone else to start deplatforming Alex Jones, one by one? I hope we see a similar “Oh, this is actually okay and doesn’t hurt our stock price” snowball with deplatforming all these crazy bastards.

But that’s the thing. I haven’t seen anything I’ve loved on Netflix since maybe Kimmie Schmidt ended? But I keep the subscription because of the psychological sales tactic whose name I forget. Loss aversion? Basically that once someone has something, they’ll want to keep it even if they would t buy it again right now.

The streaming service business model is weird. The point of a new series isn’t long term viewer loyalty (like the ad-driven network tv model). It’s new sign ups.

Lol. Dude, you’re proving my point. 

This tech elitist attitude doesn’t help anyone. Not everyone should have to learn HTML or how to run Python scripts to publish a website. That’s where an accessible CMS comes in.

I’m a dad and very casual gamer who maybe plays two games per year. I literally bought a PS4 so I could play Spiderman... then sold it (at a slight profit!) once I was done with the game.

Right now, I’m playing old Gamecube games at night while my kids are asleep.

A low-investment product like Stadia is perfect for

Lol. X-men has always been a metaphor for inclusion, tolerance, and other virtues cowardly boneheads inelegantly label “SJW.”

What about treating Magneto as a bigger threat, a la Thanos lite, and not featuring him in every damn movie? There are so many other villains and characters to focus on.

Yes, that’s the plan. Influencer Darwinism.

This isn’t a “friend.” It’s not a person. It’s a company who’s being irresponsible with their property. They damn well should be held responsible for what their users do, and then the company should in turn punish the user. That’s the liability and responsibility these companies need to take on if they’re going to

“This amazing feat of animation – that just 5 years ago would have been impossible – isn’t good enough because it’s not perfect.”