United States of Bonerland

Also, how does ‘running fast’ generate an EMP?

That’s why the international trailer says “Every hero has... mega... drive...” and then trails off.

Cool, then it’s not for you. I am a strategist and copywriter. I like macOS because it’s what my colleagues use and it works.

Just keep Ron Howard away and we’ll be fine. 

But the folding display is the entire fucking point of the product category. 

She didn’t get dusted, so no need to come back. 

Yeah, I don’t get people calling it “the worst comic book movie ever.” It was fine. Dumb fun, and even enjoyable at parts.

The film went to pretty great lengths to distinguish dusted dead vs dead dead. I’d say she’s actually dead dead. 

Well, there’s no way this is sustainable without insane user volume, so it’ll be like great for a few people for a few weeks before running out of cash.

On the one hand, yeah, these are super edge cases. But on the other hand, when you’re talking about edge cases affecting only 0.05% of people, and your user base is 100,000,000, you’re still affecting 50,000 people. Which is a lot.

My BMW i3 uses a camera-based system for adaptive cruise control and lane assist. It throws a fit anytime I’m driving, say, west-ish at sunset or behind a car with glare.

Yeah major visual references to The Thing. I dig it.

Just making sure: is SUC a new vehicle class (Sport Utility... Car?), or a typo?

They’re fucking everywhere in Southern California. Model 3 drivers are the new Prius drivers. Smug, not very aware, and with a false sense of how much people like their car. 

Yeah but heated fucking seats aren’t battery capacity or processor speed. That’s just petty.

Congratulations? Way to make this about how smart you are?

That’s my big question. Can we get original aspect ratio, please? I’d like to hope Disney has a better understanding of craft than Fox. 

The fact this comment exists kinda proves the thesis of the article.

Needs more context to land with the desired effect. Or a link to an article because googling each name is too much work for the average person. Make it easier for us to learn and (probably) get angry enough to act. 

At this point, you care more than the actors and their moms.