United States of Bonerland

Like one of those childrens’ masks from target. 

If they hadn’t jettisoned the Expanded Universe, this would mean Death Star 2 had a Kiwi accent.

Exactly. I don’t see why this equation is so hard. If Netflix is a company whose purpose is making money, and it doesn’t make money from ads, then how does it make money?

Okay, but that’s the point. This film requires the viewer to bring with them more pre-existing MCU knowledge than any other. Coulson is never explained, really. He’s just “there” and the audience is supposed to be like “OMG THATS THE GUY IN AVENGERS!” But my wife had no clue who he was.

Viral marketing for that Snowpiercer series?

Yeah, dude, did you even watch the movie? Can you say you’re a life-long Star Wars fan if you don’t get anally retentive about every single detail? Bro, do you even Dengar?

Where have I seen this before...

I hope it’s as insufferable, precious, and Urban Outfitter-y as the first season.

I love this show more than I thought I would. Each of the characters feels believably broken from a lifetime of weird, broken shit. But the misery is punctuated by fun in a way the X-men movies have completely forgotten.

Adams is scheduled to release postpone, then cancel, then leak three albums this year, beginning with Big Colors on April 19.

That’s why I only watch movies by breaking into Redbox machines. 

Counterpoint: $800 million. 

Aunt May-steries

I missed the controversy around Crash, other than it being awful and problematic generally. What were the discussion points about it at the time?

Not related to microgravity, but there would be little bits of crap floating everywhere from the drilled out material. So the lack of gravity would also be a factor. “Sergei, vut is floating specks in back room?”

I’m a white, middle class son of a university professor. If anyone should have known about the dangers of student loans, it’s me. But when you’re in school and desperately trying to find figure out how to make next semester work - and you’re told you’ll make 70k+ after graduation - then you think it’ll be fine.

(Crashing just finished its second season and was renewed for a third.😉)

I genuinely appreciated his note at the end that these types of conversations are how Individual #1 became president. Some refreshing self-awareness, like when your uncle says, “Oh, I probably shouldn’t have said that because we shouldn’t refer to them as that word anymore.” The problem still exists, but hey, maybe

Yeah, but most people don’t re-watch shows like that (other than those boneheads who can’t stop rewatching The Office, which has like 2.5 great seasons).