United States of Bonerland

HTTPS takes likes 10 minutes to implement and it can even be free. Search engines prefer secure sites now. Browsers show warnings for unencrypted sites. There’s no good reason not to use HTTPS for any site and plenty of reasons it should be used.

I’ve said, “Unfortunately, I simply cannot work at that low rate” or something like it. Face it: if you’re turning down a company due to low pay, it’s not going to be better in the future. No bridges to burn.

Yeah, pretty much everyone who commented regularly is gone. So long, good ol’ days of AV Club. Maybe you can get re-sold to someone interested in letting you do your thing someday.

If you’re avoiding spoilers – for a single pilot episode, whose only purpose is to set the stage for a larger story – then why read the article at all? I don’t understand you people who want it both ways.

I mean, it’s a little funny when you think about it happening to Larry David instead of this rando guy.

In your defense, the quote is kind of stupid when you think about it to any degree.

Yes, which the show referenced many, many times!

Yep, exactly. “Scary” is the right word, because if this kind of crap catches on, everyone in web development is screwed.

Because Kinja is owned and managed by people who don’t give a shit about users, just corporate control over comment data.

That’s be nice if I could navigate to the fucking reviews without hunting for in-paragraph links, Alex’s bosses.

This, exactly. I’m a content strategist who dabbles in front-end. I also just transitioned a site with tens of thousands of pages to a new theme. so I get it, it’s a big deal and you don’t always see things until you’re live.

Yeah. I’m surprised at how much it makes content retroactively feel cheaper. It’s gross.

The layout (and complete lack of navigation to features) made me realize Univision wants this site to be their new Gawker. Lots of celebrity gossip with short shelf lifes for clicks. Not so much on the stuff that actually brought AV Club its audience.

There should be some sort of, I dunno, user testing before a big change like this? Web design 101? But what do I know, I’m just a web content strategist who does this sort of thing for a living, and then spends my free time commenting with an erect Florida avatar.

Now playing

Who designed the homepage? There’s no simple line for the eye to follow, nor is there an accessible list of recent articles. It’s like someone said, “Let’s just throw the content into a basic Kinja template. I’m hungry.”
Like a real-life Love Day:

Wait, it apparently did work? I’m so confused.

Merging my Disqus and Kinja accounts doesn’t work. Also, the site is ugly and soulless, like Gawker. I’m pretty sad about this whole thing. :(

Maybe you have the wrong outfit? I used to wear a suit every time I flew, and I didn’t think it was especially uncomfortable. No need to wear a tie to look professional.

Good distinction – hosting =/= DNS. But I suspect GoDaddy is also hosting this kind of nonsense somewhere.

$100/yr. But this was just a domain name, so around $20/yr.