United States of Bonerland

GoDaddy has known for a long time what kind of racist garbage it as hosting. And it didn't care, because money. Now, suddenly there's pressure to take down the site, and GoDaddy doesn't want to lose money for its stakeholders. But AirBnB was brave enough to set a precedent that tech companies can clean their platforms

Or when he blasted by those random drivers on the right?! I almost lost it – he had like 3 feet of space.

You should write your own series! With superheroes! And hookers!

Interesting point, and something I didn't know. Thanks for sharing!

I feel like you could have written this when Seeso was announced to save time.

After becoming a father, I realized how much of my parenting philosophy comes from Hank's wisdom. And that's not a bad thing.

And any idea on how long until the comments section withers and dies?

Oh crap, I forgot to go complain in that thread! Their diversion tactic almost worked.

Should it be “exceeded expectations?” Or should it be, “There’s nothing wrong”? There needs to be clear labelling because I have a feeling a lot of people (like you) feel five-stars should be special. Whereas people like me feel five-stars is the default because it’s imaginary currency and doesn’t cost me anything to

Kind of, but that's the name of the game for tech companies. Debt relative to revenue is fine as long as the company continues growing year over year. The idea is eventually, it becomes profitable and pays down the debt. It's the fundamental financing idea behind startups.

2017: The Year Good Things Continue Happening to Bad People.

It's an embassy. They can have those anywhere, and they're technically foreign soil.

Yes, because she knew that's the outfit she would be wearing during this press junket. Same thing if it were a man showing his weird penis from my previous example. It's obviously the choice of clothes rather than the fact that she's a woman we are making fun of. Stop trying to make this about something different.

Ugh, it's not just that it's a woman. It's a woman who chose to wear a transparent shirt (visible in the thumbnail image) that shows her crazy Kitty-from-Arrested-Development nipples. We'd make the same comments if it were a guy wearing sweat pants where you could see his oddly-shaped penis.

…Or drugs. Gold or drugs.

Somehow, Dreamhost was charging me for years for an account I didn’t set up. But when I asked for help, I was told I had to log in from whatever account was charging me (even though I had no clue). Finally got it figured out, but I was pretty unhappy.

Somehow, Dreamhost was charging me for years for an account I didn’t set up. But when I asked for help, I was told I

I was backlashing before the backlash by never having any interest in the book or movie. I still don't know what the plot is, despite watching the trailer.

Hm, that's troubling, but not unbelievable. Is this documented anywhere? I know a lot has been sequestered, and there's a ton of material my father has tried to see (sometimes unsuccessfully) from the church history library's restricted section. But again, I didn't know about destroying documents (which seems like a

And America learned its lesson, and they never called for whole scale violence or persecution against a religious community again.

I haven't heard about destroying the source materials – that seems pretty at odds with the recent direction of church history work. My father taught at BYU as a history professor for a bit. The history department people obessed with showing how they can stay true to the gritty stuff while remaining faithful. Plus,