United States of Bonerland

Alternate headline: Actor in Terrible Franchise with Unpronounceable Name Insults Thing People Like Using Data, Semi-Transphobic Terms! Success guaranteed!

Yeah I wanna hear more about this chest tattoo so I can spend a little more time hating her before Girls ends.

No, obviously not. Is anyone in this comment section being serious? Why would an obvious joke about TiVo – which not many people even use anymore because of other options – be a serious comment?

All I can hear when the theme music plays is Michael Bolton's cinephilia.

I miss The Lawyer.

If you're so first-world, why don't you have Tivo? HMMMM??!!!!

Tarek and Christina were perfect representatives of the people I went to high school with in Southern California. Vapid, immediately forgettable, more concerned with the appearance of wealth than actual quality.

Only if Matt Reeves drops out again. They announced he officially took the role yesterday.

Good to see Trump and my mom have similar handling methods.

Exactly. Now if this were a KFC creation…

You can! If you don't mind sacrificing some self-respect. It's off the menu, but most locations will still make them for you. I had one a month or so ago.

I liked the Quesalupa. It was greasy and disgusting. But it was also really tasty. I hope you get that back now that this thing is gone.

Reminder: Gawker network/Univision sites post Amazon affiliate deals every. single. day.

"Today is a perfect day to march down to Arbys and abort your hunger.

Oh snap mind blown

Wait, I thought Singer was directing this as a do-over from the last time he didn't do the Phoenix saga? Did I miss something?

Haven't you see that video claiming Keanu Reeves is an immortal vampire?

Which one? Because they said both many times.

Something something Terms of Enrampagent.