United States of Bonerland

Really eager to see Top Chef's nuanced coverage of race relations in America. Maybe they could develop another elimination cookoff with racist undertones?

I got one of these as a white elephant gift last night. It's genuinely horrifying.

Why should I trust you? You're Hitler!

Thanks to Facebook, I can tell you exactly what a former classmate is up to, even though we haven’t spoken in more than 6 years. That’s insane. Our brains weren’t designed for large-scale communities. (See Dunbar’s Number.)

Sad that was in the first season. House, like a high school cheerleader who went into retail, you peaked too soon.

The concepts of those seasons could have been good, but there wasn't any damn character development. Any growth House may have earned earlier was removed by committee because that's better for casual viewers.

I haven't watched it for years, but didn't season 3 end on a cliffhanger? House fires everyone, then what happens?



But that's my point. It's a community that's on the news a lot more than is experienced IRL, at least to most.

It's not about how hard it is, it's about the narrative that democrats are "weird" and different. The Bible is still a top selling book, and it used "his" as a gender neutral pronoun.

That's true, and I don't think we can discount that. But I think a lot of potential swing voters went trump because of issues like trans rights that seem "loud" but don't seem "real" to many.

I took the joke as being about how societal progress is moving too fast for some. I mean, california voted against gay marriage less than a decade ago. Now there's 37 gender options. As much as it's important not to discriminate or contribute to the suicide epidemic in the trans community, three dozen gender options

This. Exactly this. I’m amazed former Gawker network sites are still complaining about the election, Facebook’s news problem, etc. when their garbage clickbait and blogging-posing-as-journalism led to these problems in the first place.

Finally, we have a worthy heir to Morrissey's legacy.

A self-serving contradiction from Trump? Never!

Those recliners are the tits, and so is the restaurant aspect of that. (I've only seen those at Cinemark, which I'm fine with, not AMC.) I'm 100% down for seeing those more frequently.

It's the principle, man. It's anti-consumer. It's part of the slow death of theaters. And since I know it literally costs them pennies for my refill, it's like a slap in the face.

This, in addition to their new policy of no refills for large popcorn/drinks without joining their "club" (data mining program), give me another reason to never visit AMC again. #NeverAMC