United States of Bonerland

FWIW, there are far worse ways to spend $24, and this one has dramatically reduced toilet paper usage.

It's tap, but it doesn't feel like a shock of ice on the rear. It's actually refreshing and pleasant.

I just have a hard time spending $30 on plastic blocks. I guess I could use coffee cans or something… maybe my grandfather still has some in the side yard?

I recently bought one of those add-on bidets, and it's. hanged my life.

Just one more way 2016 makes my world feel alien.

"This feels like a March movie." - My thought toward the end of the trailer. Visually look great, but story doesn't seem to gel (at least in the way the original did). Hope it can surprise and deliver.

Yeah, exactly. There's always someone worse. Doesn't change how my problems feel.

Cool. You don't know anything about me, nor how I voted. So hey, get off your high horse, lose the assumptions, go suck a bag of cocks, and have a good night.

"Guys, look how important I am."

"Fuck this. I'm out." - Leonard Cohen

I don't know why, but I read this as "Mad Max" complete with drinking set. It makes more sense now.

"Door's open boys! Yee-haw!"
- If Pence were president with a Republican-controlled government.

This is our America now.

Sorry, definitely.

Hopefully we'll get to see him beat the shit out of Dumbledore, leading to their breakup.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: democracy simply doesn't work.

Any state, if your cop is a jerk. You can be arrested anytime for not having proof of ID, AFAIK. But most cops are somewhat reasonable and would rather spend their time on real issues, not a big pile of paperwork just because someone didn't have their ID.

Why is she speaking in Lindsay Lohan's accent?

Cue sad trombone sound.