United States of Bonerland

How is this already done and I'm still waiting for my Robocop statue in Detroit?

I'm stealing this for my next argument with my father in law.

2011: Thor, X-Men: First Class, Captain America
2012: Ghost Rider, The Avengers, Spider-Man
2013: Iron Man 3, The Wolverine, Thor 2
2014: Captain America 2, Spider-Man 2, X-Men DOFP, Guardians of the Galaxy
2015: Avengers 2, Ant Man, Fantastic Four
2016: Deadpool, Captain America 3, X-Men Rides Again

I would be happy if instead of three or four Marvel movies each year, we simply got lots of shorts like these.

As a Mormon living in the Bay Area, Studio C really concerns me. It's a way for the toxic BYU culture to seep out of Utah valley and into everywhere else around the country. This not only makes us as a whole even weirder, it alienates people inside the faith who have a good sense of humor instead. Thus, the people

And somehow Studio C is getting an audience outside of the BYU dorms…

Yes, but what about Savage love?

I can understand the tenuous logic they've used to justify it, too. But it's extra shitty, and it's like running a profile on a school shooter. This gives the perpetrators exactly what they want – high profile humiliation – and also allows Giz to slowly transform into Gawker.

This is digital terrorism. It's a small group of individuals using fear tactics (and general shittyness) to promote their inferior ideologies (in this case, racism and misogyny). Even shittier, Gizmodo is now taking the role of Gawker in publicizing this shit and making it worse for the victim. Giz isn't a celebrity

Those are all fine. In fact, they're not just fine – they're great! How about another: "As each movie comes out and follows the exact same formula, the weaknesses of that formula become more apparent and retroactively make earlier movies worse?"

I'm amazed DC has been able to produce such shitty movies and yet have their super-devoted, super-irritating fanbase. We don't hate these movies because we're Marvel fanboys, we hate that they are rushed, cynical cash grabs.

Suicide Squad again? Screw you, audiences.

And it didn't even need to shit on other countries, either.

This two minute video was more exciting and interesting than anything I saw in Rio's opening ceremony.

I guess this is sarcastic? Even if it is, the implication is concerning. Is everyone who wants to be at a healthy weight going to be Lindsay Lohan?

Those who didn't pay for a ticket to either movie?

I'd be happy with that. Gawker is hypocritical tabloid nonsense. I wouldn't care if they weren't pretending to be awful in the name of journalism. Lifehacker, io9, Jalopnik – those sites are alright. I'd miss those (especially Lifehacker).

Just saw that. You've got to be fucking kidding me. The same company that owns AV Club and The Onion now owns Gawker's shit? At least they can just recycle old Star Wipe articles.

Especially once we find out the auction results.

Nice summation of election 2016.