United States of Bonerland

The Cliff Bars tag is almost passive-aggressive in its sparseness, like an angry teenager wrote it.

So, AV Club is doing the "affiliate links pretending to be articles" game now, huh?

In honor of 1996 week and the Boat Trip coverage, let's imagine what the same headline would have meant 20 years ago.

Because, in 2016, we can't have any heroes anymore.

This Nerdwriter guy has been producing some pretty great video essays lately. Wonder when a scandal will hit and we'll all find out he pressured an intern into sex or something.

But will they include the "child who was raped while Aquaman did nothing" back story, or the "autistic child who likes cold water and gets experimented on" back story?

I hope they call it Superman Lives.

Don't worry. The collective "We" didn't like it either. It's you, not them.

Yeah, but did some group of rich French dudes see it? If not, doesn't count.

I just think it's a really weird, semantically based thing to hang your national pride on. So it doesn't count if it wasn't officially documented by the French aeronautic Institute? And apparently, some other commenters mentioned, there were other instances that were still witnessed by individuals but nonetheless

I'm actually also in San Jose. What is this thing called, and where can I see it?

Seriously. I made a joke on twitter about how Brazil claims to have invented flight, and all of these Brazilian teenagers started hate tweeting me. I totally believe that some guy in Brazil developed a flying aircraft around the same time that it was happening in Kitty Hawk, but the extra jab, "Brazilians like to

Who's the designer or art director or "genius" behind the narco-informed gangster/hipster style of the Joker in this "shared universe"? I'm genuinely fascinated. I don't think it works at all for these characters, and the style is about 6 years too late (especially with the Skrillex nonsense). But it's perfect for

Wait, so I don't really get how this fits into the entire DC continuity. So there's like cheap clone superheroes in China? And that's not profoundly racist for some reason? I would hate to see what they do with African superman.

More like DDQ

I know one person:

I dunno, it gets funnier every time I see it. It's like one of those terrible Family Guy jokes that's not funny, but then it becomes funny because of how damned long it goes on.

This killed me

I had a similar issue with Windows 8.1. I called MS customer support, and they were surprisingly helpful. Basically, I gave them my old product key and they generated a new one that did work. Might be worth a try explaining what happened, especially in case of reformatting. They seem to get it.